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Messages - ReaSoN

Battle.net Bot Development / Re: 0x25
September 13, 2009, 07:20 PM
But BNET keeps sending 0x25, even after they send it the first time, so why do they keep sending it?
Battle.net Bot Development / 0x25
September 13, 2009, 04:54 PM
I'm playing around with actual ping spoofing (Like setting your ping to the value you want) My bot is storing all the pings from a session and finding an average, then delaying sending 0x25 based on the formula

(custom ping - average ping)

I use a timer to do the delays instead of Sleep(), and i noticed that whenever i log in i always get -1ms because bnet thinks im not sending 0x25.
because i'm sending it some .125 seconds later, and then whenever i rejoin a channel or something my ping doesn't change. My question is, why does BNET keep sending 0x25 if it doesnt update the ping? And how can i "improve" my method to make it work?