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Messages - Cellular

Battle.net Bot Development / Reset pass
September 29, 2009, 10:25 AM
Okay i dont know why im not getting the email im sending the packet before SID_LOGONRESPONSE, SID_LOGONRESPONSE2, and SID_AUTH_ACCOUNTLOGON but i am still not getting the email

[9:16:21 AM] [Battle.net] Connecting to server.
[9:16:21 AM] [Battle.net] Connected to server.
[9:16:21 AM] [Local] Checkrevision passed.
[9:16:21 AM] [Local] MPQ File Name: lockdown-IX86-07.mpq
[9:16:21 AM] [Local] Warden handler initiated.
[9:16:21 AM] Password to request Crew Succesfully sent to [email protected]
[9:16:21 AM] Connection closed!
i think its nice but ehh not for me i liek it the way things are now haha BAIM :P
/WHOAMI -- Introductions / Sup Guys
August 30, 2009, 05:26 PM
Sup Guys eh most of yall know me as Cell or Heroin :P those who dont pleasure to meet ya