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Messages - DarkDarkDark

That seemed to be the problem thanks for your help.
okay let me check, you don't have to be a ****in dick about it and get all cocky.
Well first off I'm sorry for not giving the code, I forgot to provide it. So here's my code:

Public buffer() As Byte 'Main Buffer

Public Sub SIDPING(ByVal client As Socket, ByRef SID_PING As SID_PING)

        'Redim the buffer for 8 and receive the data

        client.BeginReceive(buffer, 0, 8, SocketFlags.None, AddressOf ReceiveCallback, buffer)

        Dim bncreader As New MBNCSUtil.BncsReader(buffer)

        SID_PING.ping = bncreader.ReadUInt32

    End Sub

Public Function databuffer(ByVal n As Integer)
        ReDim buffer(n)

End Function 'Redim DataBuffer

It is a OverflowException, however my buffer isn't empty.

hmmm the MBNCSUtil- on your google site.

I just re-downloaded and re-referenced it but that didn't work. Another example: (255,37,8,0,88,19,21,14)

all I'm doing it rediming my buffer, getting the data and making the bncsreader:

databuffer(7) 'function
client.BeginReceive(buffer, 0, 8, SocketFlags.None, AddressOf ReceiveCallback, buffer)
Dim format1 As MBNCSUtil.BncsReader = New MBNCSUtil.BncsReader(buffer)

I also tried what you did and it worked, however with my main example (above) when I set a break point on it, it'll work. When I set a break point in a different sub it doesn't work.
General Programming / MBNCSUtil.BncsReader problem
February 27, 2010, 03:48 PM
Hello I'm trying to use the MBNCSUtil.BncsReader with my data buffer but I'm stuck after messing around with it.

Dim format As MBNCSUtil.BncsReader = New MBNCSUtil.BncsReader(buffer)

However I get a "Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow". The data buffer only contains the ping pocket. (8 bytes long: 225, 37, 8, 0, 41, 47, 146, 76)

It also happens with the SIDAUTHCHECK pocket, which is 9 or 8 bytes long.

Thanks for any help.
Awesome thank you very much. I wasn't making a connection to the IP/Port of the MCP from 0x3E. I didn't know I had to do that :P, its working good now thanks for your help!
Yes I am using the same socket:

Dim tcpClient As New System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient()
        tcpClient.Connect("useast.battle.net", 6112)
        Dim NS As NetworkStream = tcpClient.GetStream()

Edit: So I made two connections, when I send the 0x01 then the MCP_STARTUP, my connection doesn't close but I don't get a response
Sorry for the late reply. I'm going on info based on the BNCS/MCP clientless bot analysis on edgeofnowhere and what I get when I join in normally, which shows a 0x01 byte being sent.

Also I try without the 0x01 and nothing happens, it stays connected but I don't get the http://www.bnetdocs.org/?op=packet&pid=337MCP_CHARLOGON

I was thinking it was my tcpclient but no Exception comes up.
Alright thanks for your input, I guess its something wrong with my tcpclient then.
Battle.net Bot Development / MCP_STARTUP problems
January 01, 2010, 08:21 PM
I'm trying to send the MCP_STARTUP pocket using the DataBuffer from MBNCSUtil.dll. However once I send it, my client closes its connection. (connecting to battle.net)

0000   ff 3e 53 00 01 00 00 00 e3 6b 1a 2d 3f f0 ca 7a  .>S......k.-?..z
0010   68 fb 5c 00 3f f0 ca 94 17 e0 00 00 00 00 06 00  h.\.?...........
0020   ec b4 9b 00 7a 12 1a 27 50 58 32 44 36 38 58 49  ....z..'PX2D68XI
0030   3f f0 ca 7a 09 10 00 00 6d b9 93 2f a4 b2 0e a6  ?..z....m../....
0040   2a 69 bc 87 32 55 0e 4b 26 2b 43 78 54 72 61 6e  *i..2U.K&+CxTran
0050   64 6f 00                                         do.

I send the 1 byte and then send the MCP_STARTUP:

0000   4a 00 01 01 00 00 00 e3 6b 1a 2d 3f f0 ca 7a 68  J.......k.-?..zh
0010   fb 5c 00 00 00 06 00 ec b4 9b 00 7a 12 1a 27 50  .\.........z..'P
0020   58 32 44 36 38 58 49 3f f0 ca 7a 09 10 00 00 6d  X2D68XI?..z....m
0030   b9 93 2f a4 b2 0e a6 2a 69 bc 87 32 55 0e 4b 26  ../....*i..2U.K&
0040   2b 43 78 54 72 61 6e 64 6f 00                    +CxTrando.

any I doing anything wrong?