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Messages - Pzychotix

Argh, just found that in the FAQ. So much for that line of analysis.

I guess I'll just have to wade deep into this muck.
Since around March, WoW accounts that have been linked to battle.net accounts use a different packet structure and connect to a different server (us.logon.battle.net for new battle.net accounts, us.logon.worldofwarcraft.com for accounts not linked to battle.net).

Unfortunately, I've only started my current project rather recently and I was wondering if anyone could help me answer some questions:

1) Well, first and foremost, does anyone know of any research into this new login packet? Right now I'm looking into it assuming that the packet structure has been changed into something similar to what the older games have used, but if anyone has any more recent information about this, that'd be much better.

Not exactly getting my hopes up, but I might as well ask.

2) Has anyone noticed a change in the login packet structure for any of the other games (i.e. SC/W3, etc) since the release of the new battle.net accounts? Hoping this one will get more hits, on this forum at least.