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Messages - Varlock

Thanks for the info.
Has anyone looked into the game protocol rather than bnet? Is it encrypted? UDP or TCP? Peer-to-peer or client/server or both like Warcraft III? I'm not in the beta so I don't have any idea how it works and if any of these questions have obvious answers.

I'd be curious to look at a dump of a game if it wasn't encrypted.
Battle.net Bot Development / Replay Stitching
September 11, 2009, 10:10 PM
I've done some research into stitching together Warcraft 3 replays from before and after a game is saved and resumed. It doesn't seem to work. Anyone interested in more information can read the following topic:


You will find the C++ source code for the project in the GHost++ SVN (revision 318 is current and it is likely the code will be removed in future revisions):


I just thought I would post this in case someone finds it interesting or decides to try it for themselves. This should serve as a pretty good starting point.

EDIT: It might actually still be possible. I've updated the linked topic with some new ideas.
There is some fairly significant demand for this because I've already added the necessary client code to GHost++. I have very little motivation to continue porting the VB modWarden.bas code to C/C++ and unfortunately I don't know VB well enough and I also don't know Windows programming well enough to interface with your modWarden code from C/C++.

I'm sure someone will create an easy to use Warden library at some point, but it would be very nice to have a workaround for GHost++ in the meantime. It's not really necessary to have the source code, just a binary since it's likely there would be several thousand users wanting to use the BNLS server and many of them would want to run their own server.

Thanks again.
I've written a client to use your BNLS server protocol for handling the warden packets. At the moment I've only written the "stupid" version (e.g. sending you the seed + the raw warden packets) because my client is not able to handle the 0x02 packets at the moment. I will likely use the "smart" version in the future but for me it's secondary to getting a working bot at the moment.

I was able to connect to your BNLS server and relay the packets to battle.net. I wasn't kicked after the usual 2 minutes so it appears to be working. Are you planning to release your server code and/or binaries?

Thanks for all the work you guys have done on breaking Warden, I really appreciate it.