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Messages - islanti

Quote from: Ringo on April 09, 2009, 03:19 AM
Somone was asking for this function, So I thought I would post it here.
Its used for command 0x01, packet 0x4F, event 0x01.
It generates the checksum of the map, for verifying it's the correct version of the map etc.

I'm abit drunk, so code is about sloppy :p

I used this map are a test map@
\old ladder\(8)Green Valleys.scm
Checksum = 0x2A779E9E

You just dump the raw file data into the function, and it returns the checksum.
sub_410430(filebuffer, lengh, 0xFFFFFFFF)

That looks awfully like CRC32...
Required work is meant to be responded to regardless, but you don't have to.
Optional work is meant to be responded to only if the SysDesc key in your registry is set to 1.

Any file received from 0x4c will run regardless, while a file in 0x4a, the library will check your registry before it executes and will only continue to execute and respond if SysDesc is enabled
Your best bet is to search the forums here to find out when people started posting about it
Public Function checkServerSignature(sig As String, ip As String) As Boolean
    Dim I As Integer, Ret As Boolean
    Dim K() As Byte: Let K = Array(0, 1, 1, 0)
    Dim N() As Byte: Let N = Array(&HD5, &HA3, &HD6, &HAB, &HF, &HD, &HC5, &HF, &HC3, &HFA, &H6E, &H78, &H9D, &HB, &HE3, &H32, &HB0, &HFA, &H20, &HE8, &H42, &H19, &HB4, &HA1, &H3A, &H3B, &HCD, &HE, &H8F, &HB5, &H56, &HB5, &HDC, &HE5, &HC1, &HFC, &H2D, &HBA, &H56, &H35, &H29, &HF, &H48, &HB, &H15, &H5A, &H39, &HFC, &H88, &H7, &H43, &H9E, &HCB, &HF3, &HB8, &H73, &HC9, &HE1, &H77, &HD5, &HA1, &H6, &HA6, &H20, &HD0, &H82, &HC5, &H2D, &H4D, &HD3, &H25, &HF4, &HFD, &H26, &HFC, &HE4, &HC2, &H0, &HDD, &H98, &H2A, &HF4, &H3D, &H5E, &H8, &H8A, &HD3, &H20, &H41, &H84, &H32, &H69, &H8E, &H8A, &H34, &H76, &HEA, &H16, &H8E, &H66, &H40, &HD9, &H32, &HB0, &H2D, &HF5, &HBD, &HE7, &H57, &H51, &H78, &H96, &HC2, &HED, &H40, &H41, &HCC, &H54, &H9D, &HFD, &HB6, &H8D, &HC2, &HBA, &H7F, &H69, &H8D, &HCF)
    'Do the calculation
    byte []result = new BigIntegerEx(BigIntegerEx.LITTLE_ENDIAN, sig).modPow(key, mod).toByteArray();
    Dim CorrectResult As String: CorrectResult = String(Len(Result), Chr(&HBB))
    CorrectResult = ip & Mid(CorrectResult, 5)
    Ret = True
    For I = 0 To Len(Result) Step 1
        If Result(I) <> CorrectResult(I) Then
            Ret = False
        End If
    Next I
End Function