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Messages - umbrage

Thanks, I removed the rapidshare link.
Warden Client default warden module.
Download: http://www.mikeownage.com/downloads/sourcecodes/WardenModule.zip

This is part1 of many, the code attached is the default warden module, no copyright/DCMA has been infringed this is for educational purposes only. With this you can load Starcraft chat clients by passing all the warden packets into this DLL.

This code was compiled without any errors with Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 express edition.
You can download free from Microsoft here.

Feel free to..
- Incorporate it into your own projects.
- Release your own versions with grammar fixes, or improvement to code presentation.
- Use these release(s) to extend public documentation on warden.

The additional parts not released contain C++ code to...
- map warden module into memory.
- convert a warden module into a authentic PE DLL.
- convert a PE DLL module into a warden module.
- extract modules out of bncache and wowcache.
- full module that does SC/D2/WAR3/WOW scanning. (unlikely release candidate for obvious reasons)

Most of these will be released at a later time.

Please avoid...
- Asking me questions. (all your answers can be found in the code)
- Spew forth inappropriate rudeness. (turn the thread into flames)