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Messages - ghostofkc

Chase "syntaqx" Hutchins: It loads slow. Getting like ~15 sec load times after submitting like 10 lines... in the middle of the night. I will stick with pastebin.
StarCraft / Re: SC2 Live Friends List
August 05, 2011, 11:03 PM
ghost.196 NA
Politics / US Credit Rating
August 05, 2011, 11:03 PM
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424053111903366504576490841235575386.html?mod=WSJ_Home_largeHeadline -> for those of you who didn't see.

Can't wait to see the chaos this causes - safe to say most everyone in the federal government will have election trouble. Well, I hope anyway - who knows, but, the fireworks should be fun to watch. :-[

so who is voting for obama and their current congressmen again?  :P
thx for the info <3
Why? Because I don't have time and I need something different than what is available.
I am not joking. If you can do what is listed below, let me know your price/rate ([email protected]).

> I need a basic frame of a bot built, prefer the ability to use local
> hashing and bnls.
> I want all information stored in a config file - ex bot connection
> info and sql connection info
> The bot needs to have a settable home channel
> The bot will interact with a remote mysql database and issue 2
> commands. The mysql information is not important for the bot design
> and filler information can be used.
> For example I would want the bot to connect to the database and return
> information then use that information in a query, for example /whois
> [name] or /stats [name] star and then return the information provided
> and send that information back to the database. The exact sql syntax is not important to the bot design.
> The ability to turn these functions on / off /  store them for upload
> to the sql server say every 12-24 hours would be preferable.
> A basic command system / user list would be helpful but is not
> necessary
> No other functions are needed.
/WHOAMI -- Introductions / woof.
February 01, 2009, 04:41 PM
Ghost from knightsofchaos.org

I have been lurking on bnet for like 10 years running clans and doing website type things.

I am attempting to make a bot using bn# but I am retarded.  – here to learn things.