[12:48:44,770] Connecting..
[12:48:45,270] Connected
[12:48:45,330] You should never get this error.
[12:48:45,330] Disconnected.
after that im getting 5 min RD. is there any tool which shows the packets im sending? so i could see after what packet im getting RD.
also are there any other bots which are using bnetauth.dll and still work?
[12:48:44,770] Connecting..
[12:48:45,270] Connected
[12:48:45,330] You should never get this error.
[12:48:45,330] Disconnected.
after that im getting 5 min RD. is there any tool which shows the packets im sending? so i could see after what packet im getting RD.
also are there any other bots which are using bnetauth.dll and still work?