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Messages - GadgetMan

General Discussion / Re: In need of a good debunking
November 10, 2008, 05:46 AM
Hey Grok.
Simple: Stainless steel plates or tubes (usually), electolyte and electricity. A housing to hold it and tubing to get the gas to the intake.

How about you coming to my site and take a look. My system is improving and I'm looking for 600% by the time I'm done. Right now I'm at 47% and climbing.

E-mail me when you've been to the site. What's important to me (as the site just turned 15 days old) is what you expected versus what you found. Does it captivate your thinking brain or your creative one? Both?

I'm getting feedback from all over the world from people with initials after their name and people with only initials from the back woods of Kentucky.

You'll find there's something to this HHO stuff. I've been doing it for ten years and I learned more at one meeting of two hours length with six other developers than in a thousand hours of research.

I love it.

So, take a trio to the wild side, Grok! Come join the motor fuel renegades!

If I can do it, ANYONE can!

General Discussion / Re: In need of a good debunking
November 09, 2008, 02:02 PM
Good news on your Volvo, Grok.
If it has an air intake, you can put a HHO system on it. You can share with me the year and model and I'd be delighted to help you designa  system to suit not just your vehicle, but your level of ability.

I'd like to invite you personally to come to the site. I just launched the FireBoard module for discussions, and would love to hear your thoughts on it! Remember, I'm just a GadgetMan...

Thanks for your kindness.


General Discussion / Re: In need of a good debunking
November 08, 2008, 08:47 PM
Thank you, Grok and iago. I tend to dismiss the nay-sayers as they are the ones that discover problems, and not the solutions.
I wonder, are there any of you guys interested in the computer control systems for automotive apps? I have an issue on a device and it's effects on the ECU...
General Discussion / Re: In need of a good debunking
November 07, 2008, 03:03 PM
Wow. There are a few factors that are not being considered here in this thread.
1) Regarding Hydrogen as a fuel additive: Hydrogen, when inducted onto the airstream of a vehicle (diesel or gasoline) results in a much more efficient burn of the fuel it contacts. This is why the second law isn't being broken at all. It releases a WHOLE lot more of the energy that is currently being wasted using the systems prevalent today.
2) Zero Point Energy Again, the second law is NOT being broken (or even bent!). The so-called "Aero Point Energy FIeld" is currently recognized as "Cosmic Energy" and a whole host of other names. It is a hertofore unexplored (save for Tesla) source of energy. The devicxes to which your contact refers is simply a new spigot on an old pipe!

Please have him contact me. I will help him with his research.
GadgetMan at ClubHHO.com-Don't worry! It's a pure research site dedicated to increase the level of collaboration between closet inventors such as myself.