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Messages - DeathHunter

Ok, seeing as no one will do for 10 don't worry ::)
Did i say you were? LoL someone will do it sooner or later :P
LoL! I'm not stupid i know you need alot not just a couple lines of code. So if you don't wanna do it for $10 thats fine. No money for you :P
Will you do it, and how good is it gunna be?
Vb6, and ty for telling me that it don't work ne more and yes i know a half decent amount. Also if someone made me a tut for vb6 on how to make a chat bot that conncects to bnet i"ll pay $ :P
Ok, then. I was searching over here found Grok's tut on how to make a chat bot, so i did it and he hasn't given the code for the Module.bas for hes tut on how to make a bot. So i searched a bit on here to see if he did finish it and someone said it is you just need to take out the parts the he was gunna add later. What parts do i take out, or can someone send me towards another tut or can someone right the code for the module.bas thx.
Quote from: l2k-Shadow on August 19, 2008, 09:12 AM
I don't think you will be successful, but here would be a good place to start.

Hmmm well considering half the links don't work......
Battle.net Bot Development / Making a Chat Bot
August 19, 2008, 09:05 AM
Ok, so i used the code from grok's tut to make a bot, and he hasn't gave the code for the module yet. so then i decided to search and i found a topic on asking some1 to finish it off, but reply he got was it is done you just need to remove the parts he was gunna add later.. Ok so can some1 tell me what parts i need to remove or give me the code for the module thx :)