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Messages - Paladin

So...now these are the last things I got in my debug box:

500 Of 17072
1000 Of 17072
2514 Of 17072

Why would it stop there?
I know that I'm generating my seed correctly.

What's wrong?
Well, I got it to work by using your SCGP program to download Warden modules (which isn't the best solution but it worked for me :P I was tired and didn't really bother..)

Anyways, now I read my debug messages and I get this:

HW0x02() Error:

W:é—uq\¢–/¥ëÛh1þ$' :ÚâÖÎïýv&µaËÕ6yêP4rÌ
   Allocated 49152 (0xC000) bytes for new module
   Copying code sections to module.
   Adjusting references to global variables...
   Updating API library references..
   Lib: KERNEL32.dll
       Function: Sleep
       Function: TlsFree
       Function: TlsGetValue
       Function: TlsSetValue
       Function: RaiseException
       Function: TlsAlloc
       Function: GetProcAddress
       Function: GetModuleHandleA
       Function: GetVersionExA
       Function: GetSystemInfo
       Function: GetTickCount
       Function: VirtualQuery
       Function: QueryDosDeviceA
       Function: CloseHandle
       Function: GetCurrentProcess
       Function: FreeLibrary
       Function: DuplicateHandle
       Function: LoadLibraryA
       Function: GetProcessHeap
       Function: HeapFree
       Function: TerminateProcess
       Function: UnhandledExceptionFilter
       Function: SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
       Function: QueryPerformanceCounter
       Function: GetCurrentThreadId
       Function: GetCurrentProcessId
       Function: GetSystemTimeAsFileTime
       Function: RtlUnwind
   Lib: USER32.dll
       Function: CharUpperBuffA
   Successfully mapped Warden Module to 0x383FFDC
   Initialize Function is mapped at 0x384646C

As you can see, there's an error at HW0x02() and I know the error occurs at that line:
If (Not m_ModState = 2) Then GoTo HW0x02Err

So what could it possibly be?
Hey Ringo  :)!

I have tried to integrate your source code into my own bot however I do not get the results I would want to get.

I succesfully get the:
Downloading Warden Module:

message but...the module doesn't seem to get downloaded as it is not saved in my \Warden\ folder and my bot disconnects ~2 minutes after connecting.

What could possibly cause this? Bad seed?

Nice work by the way!
Would appreciate help  :)

EDIT: Nevermind, got everything working fine now..:D
Quote from: Andy on March 08, 2008, 02:29 PM
Quote from: Ringo on March 08, 2008, 09:12 AM
Quote from: Andy on March 07, 2008, 04:47 PM
and Ringo
uh, oh, ouch, that gives VB6 a bad name! :P
Mines not exacly great, but its way more cleaner :P
It's an almost line by line port of the example code iago posted... Of course it's not clean.

However, I just added speed timings to Initialize, GetBytes, SimpleCrypt, and DoCrypt, and they all ran instantly... as in... 0 ms. So I'm happy.

I actually tried your code to see if it worked and it gave me a "Can't find DLL entry point StandardSHA in RSHA.dll".  :o
By the way, I got your RSHA.dll by downloading your bot.
I noticed something weird while packetlogging my official SC client...

The first warden message that I am receiving from BNCS looks like that:

ff 5e 29 00 d3 2b 67 a5  58 29 21 61 13 44 9d 48 [...]

That looks fine.
However, unless I am missing something here, my client sent an additionnal byte (FB) in the 0x00 message:

ff 5e 05 00 fb

I even tried sending that same byte but I kept getting disconnected by Battle.net
What could the problem be and why would it send that extra 0xFB byte ???

EDIT: Nevermind, someone (Ringo) helped me ;)
I am so stupid. Haha.