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Messages - Leaky

Quote from: brew on January 05, 2008, 10:01 AM
Have our ways of computing really changed since windows 2k? Yet look at that, it takes 16 times less RAM to run then vista, and 15 times less disk space. That is not only the result of more features, but because of bad programming practices as well. Back in the '70s if frozen said that, he would've been guilotined. Now today's world of software companies believe that it's product's success lies within the time it takes to produce and the number of useless features, further promoting high level programming languages and a slower end product. What fools.

WHAT??? you mean it's not a good success strategy to make my bots able to grate cheese?
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: Remote Bot Linking
December 22, 2007, 07:51 PM
Quote from: Yegg on December 21, 2007, 11:38 PM
Quote from: Leaky on December 21, 2007, 09:02 PM
i guess i just have alot more free time than you people.... even tho i work in the corporate world and all... you guys should learn to find time for your self...

With that kind of philosophy why bother using anything made by anyone else since you have so much time? Forget using programming languages and their corresponding softwares which were made by people far more intelligent than you are. Write your own language. Write your own assembler for use with the compiler of your language. I would begin with this. Next, I would start creating all the other necessities one by one. Make a GUI framework of some sort with your language and get to work on a web browser, word processor, etc. Before long, you'll be attempting menuetos.net only you won't accomplish anything. Somewhere along the line, you'll realize you NEED the existing code and existing software of others. I don't see how you could be so ignorant to some of the other posts in this thread, notably the last one by Kp.

silly simpleton! i've already started on these things!!!!! i was planning on mixing LOLCODE with PHP :D then making an operating system out of it!!!
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: Remote Bot Linking
December 21, 2007, 09:02 PM
i guess i just have alot more free time than you people.... even tho i work in the corporate world and all... you guys should learn to find time for your self...
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: Remote Bot Linking
December 20, 2007, 06:22 PM
do you pay your self or other people to let you program things?
i sure dont... therefor im pritty sure that me or anyone else who doesn't pay other people to let them code... is saving money either way...
follows proper versioning now tho....

major version . minor version . revision
Quote from: MysT_DooM on April 19, 2007, 08:54 PM
well i started again on this project and I have a unknown label in my 0x06 notes and was wondering if any of you guys knew what it might be.

What i reckon it might be is the amount of times or speed (like send me every x seconds)  ...well nm thats the purpose of the command seq counter....so hmmm...no idea

[Host sends this]

UDPPKT_WhosWho(0x06) C -> S

(DWORD) Null
(WORD)  UDP Checksum of Packet
(WORD)  Length
(WORD)  Sent
(WORD)  Recv
(BYTE)  Command (Always &H0)
(BYTE)  Packet ID      (&H6)
(WORD)  Host ID (&H0)
(DWORD) Unknown
(DWORD) Player ID
(DWORD) [?]Host Location[?] or is Host &H1 [?]
(DWORD) Null
(DWORD) Command SEQ Counter (Same from 0x08)
(WORD)  Unknown
(WORD)  Port
(DWORD) Null
(DWORD) Null
(STRING) Player Name
(WORD) Null Ending

SEND-> 0000   00 00 00 00 E4 72 37 00 03 00 03 00 00 06 00 00    .....r7.........
SEND-> 0010   2B 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00    +...............
SEND-> 0020   27 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00    '...............
SEND-> 0030   00 00 00 00 74 68 69 65 66 00 00                   ....thief..

SEND-> 0000   00 00 00 00 19 B8 36 00 03 00 03 00 00 06 00 00    ......6.........
SEND-> 0010   2A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00    *...............
SEND-> 0020   12 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00    ................
SEND-> 0030   00 00 00 00 4D 79 73 74 00 00                      ....Myst..

SEND-> 0000   00 00 00 00 44 27 37 00 03 00 03 00 00 06 00 00    ....D'7.........
SEND-> 0010   2B 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00    +...............
SEND-> 0020   33 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00    3...............
SEND-> 0030   00 00 00 00 54 68 69 65 66 00 00                   ....Thief..

[Host sends this]

UDPPKT_WhosWho(0x06) C -> S

(DWORD) Null
(WORD)  UDP Checksum of Packet
(WORD)  Length
(WORD)  Sent
(WORD)  Recv
(BYTE)  Command (Always &H0)
(BYTE)  Packet ID      (&H6)
(WORD)  Host ID (&H0)
(DWORD) Unknown
(DWORD) Player ID
(DWORD) [?]Host Location[?] or is Host &H1 [?]
(DWORD) Null
(DWORD) Command SEQ Counter (Same from 0x08)
(WORD)  Unknown
(WORD)  Port
(DWORD) Null
(DWORD) Null
(STRING) Player Name
(WORD) Null Ending

you've got those switched

should be

[Host sends this]

UDPPKT_WhosWho(0x06) C -> S

(DWORD) Length - Length of packet data (not including header)
(DWORD) Player ID
(BOOLEAN) Is Host?
(DWORD) **Unknown
(DWORD) Command 2 Sequence Counter -- Recieved
(WORD) Family - always 0x02 AF_INET
(WORD) Port
(DWORD) IP Address
(STRING) Username
(STRING) Stat String

that's the actual packet data, and the header is the same standard one.
Quote(DWORD)  Null
(WORD)   UDP Checksum of Packet
(WORD)   Length
(WORD)   Sent
(WORD)   Recv
(BYTE)   Command (Command 1)
(BYTE)   Packet ID (&H0)
(WORD)   Player ID
(WORD)   Unused
(STRING) Message
you keep getting the header incorrect...

(DWORD)  UDP Class
(WORD)   UDP Checksum of Packet
(WORD)   Length
(WORD)   Sent
(WORD)   Recv
(BYTE)   Command
(BYTE)   Packet ID
(WORD)   Player ID
(WORD)   Resend
(STRING) Message

the header was already established a while back :P no need to rename parts of it
Quote from: brew on November 17, 2007, 09:38 AM
Quote from: Chriso.de on November 17, 2007, 06:57 AM
Quote from: Joex86] link=topic=17165.msg174881#msg174881 date=1195298953]
Out of curiosity, what could anyone possibly want with old hash files?
downgrading private servers (for hacking or exploits)
IIRC PvPGN doesn't check the validity of version checks.
yes it does....

it gives you the option to ignore failed version checks also which most people do..
Web Development / Re: PHP vs JS (XOR problem)
November 14, 2007, 07:34 PM
Quote from: l2k-Shadow on November 04, 2007, 01:51 PM
Quote from: Leaky on November 04, 2007, 01:49 PM
Quote from: l2k-Shadow on November 04, 2007, 11:09 AM
Quote from: UserLoser on November 04, 2007, 01:38 AM
Quote from: Chriso.de on November 03, 2007, 10:39 PM
Just seems odd that swearing is only blocked in public channels though, I mean children could stumble into a private channel and get e-molested (in #sex) or e-abused.

#sex isn't/wasn't ever a channel on battle.net

perhaps not but

/j #sex

LuLz he didn't say it was an invalid channel he meant it's not an actively used channel

you might want to double check that information. it's full almost all the time on east.
i did double check it see /\ userlosers' post # is filtered out of the channel name :P invalid channel name it is it is
Quote from: l2k-Shadow on November 04, 2007, 11:09 AM
Quote from: UserLoser on November 04, 2007, 01:38 AM
Quote from: Chriso.de on November 03, 2007, 10:39 PM
Just seems odd that swearing is only blocked in public channels though, I mean children could stumble into a private channel and get e-molested (in #sex) or e-abused.

#sex isn't/wasn't ever a channel on battle.net

perhaps not but

/j #sex

LuLz he didn't say it was an invalid channel he meant it's not an actively used channel
Quote from: MyStiCaL on November 03, 2007, 05:37 PM

hmmm bnet trivia

do private channels have censoring?
answer: no

also you don't see the censoring your self everyone else does
is it just me being blind... as far as i can tell that function will ALWAYS assume lowercase.... really it's completly pointless to do the caps o.O especially since it's not used.. anywhere (i might be blind iuno)
Quote from: Warrior on October 29, 2007, 09:18 PM
Quote from: Leaky on October 29, 2007, 09:10 PM
that c++ is forced OOP? that if i choose not to use classes OH NO wtf was i thinking? if i choose not to use any of the OOP portions of c++ then im just SOL arn't i? darn i should have thought about that before i made this completly non OOP c++ program that prints Hello World to the console window!

Alright, I know this may be a little hard for you but there is no C++ without OOP. Considering that C++ is essentially C with support for formal object orientation.

It's like buying a car, taking the wheels off, taking out the seats, and dismantling the engine. Sure, it's still a car but what's the point?

You're not smart. I also hope you realize that the streams you're using to print to the said console (unless you're using printf(), a library member written in presumably C) are wrapped around classes and operator overloads.

You should only try to be a smart ass when you're actually smart.

mental retardation is in fact sharable, but we don't share it it's just a very very commonly accepted fact that c++ is not forced OOP

I'm having trouble believing there are two people as dumb as brew in this world. I mean one time is a fluke, the second time you need to ask yourself if the theory of evolution has room for regression.

-.- not everything in c++ is object oriented and not everything non OO in c++ is in c....

and.. and... your fat! i like evolution so shush
Quote from: Warrior on October 29, 2007, 08:55 PM

O.o do you have a magic keyboard? where the pressure applied to your keys is applied to your code?

that's the only way i can think of for you to misunderstand that...

It's a joke, but yes my keyboard is magic.

because i make a statement that's contrary to what you believe?

No, because you made a statement agreeing with brew. Therefore, it's logic you're one of his friends. It's impossible that two people unrelated to each other could share an equal mental retardation.

Not to mention your statement (like most of brews statements) is incorrect.

hmm im going to have to reply with another LoLWuT?

so your claiming
QuoteNot to mention your statement (like most of brews statements) is incorrect.
that c++ is forced OOP? that if i choose not to use classes OH NO wtf was i thinking? if i choose not to use any of the OOP portions of c++ then im just SOL arn't i? darn i should have thought about that before i made this completly non OOP c++ program that prints Hello World to the console window!


mental retardation is in fact sharable, but we don't share it it's just a very very commonly accepted fact that c++ is not forced OOP

and  squiggly what the hell does my tech support check list have to do with me being retarded?.... you've obviously never done tech support for DSL companies... that's all you do :D unplug modem plug it back in bam connected.... and all of my posts were on topic... and wern't flame wars
your posts arn't that much better than mine.. just more of them