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Messages - DrFugly

alright at least i feel like i'm getting somewhere now! thanks guys!
oooh replies! everyone is so patient with me =) Thanks guys!
Yeah i'm being a real noob right now, i thought that i knew a lot more than i knew =(

right now it looks like i might make my first library with java since its my best language and its the one i have the most networking know how. But i'm hoping that once i understand enough i can eventually make a plug in for pidgin (or better known as GAIM) that will allow battle.net chatting with pidgin.

awesome!!!! This break down is what i REALLY needed, you guys are the best! I'll be sure to keep on posting my questions  ;D
so any idea how i can find the proper packets? What am i doing wrong?

edit: Ok so i took brew's advice and installed PacketMon. And i seem to be ok with the packets now... Except the first couple packets for the connect seem kinda weird. Some don't have data and some just don't look right (their type isn't documented) but then i catch the 0x50 packt so all is good i hope =). So what was i doing wrong in ethereal? And what are these extra packets?

Here is what is captured

FF 50 3A 00 00 00 00 00 36 38 58 49 50 58 45 53  .P:.....68XIPXES
D1 00 00 00 53 55 6E 65 C0 A8 00 02 F0 00 00 00  ....SUne........
09 04 00 00 09 04 00 00 55 53 41 00 55 6E 69 74  ........USA.Unit
65 64 20 53 74 61 74 65 73 00

All good. Except after 0x50 i would expect 0xCF to follow (The product Id of SC:BW) but instead as you can see 0x3A is there... Is the product ID different now? Or am i missing something? Once again... THANK YOU!!!

edit2: hahah ooops Platform ID comes next.... but how is that stored??
gracias for taking a look brew, much appreciated

well the filter i am usiing right now is tcp.port == 6112 I'm positive that is a battle.net packet. I figured that it much have been the tcp packet header, but i can't seem to find a way to hide the header, is there an option for that somewhere?

Any idea which packet this is?
Hey all, hope you can help me out with this.
I'm using ethereal to capture me connecting to battle.net but ten exiting before logging on (taking baby steps here)
but i can't understand the packets that ethereal caputure! I'm looking for 0x50 but i can't find it anywhere, all i'm getting is 0x0e from the server and the client is sending 0x40.
But then i noticed that i can't be reading the packets correctly because stuff just doesn't make sense. So please give a little bit of a guidance  ???

here is my first message sent to battle.net

0000   00 0e 08 e3 3c b4 00 40 f4 2d b2 9a 08 00 45 00  ....<[email protected].
0010   00 3c 9c 9f 40 00 40 06 d2 fe c0 a8 00 02 3f f0  .<..@.@.......?.
0020   ca 83 96 5b 17 e0 93 69 58 1f 00 00 00 00 a0 02  ...[...iX.......
0030   16 d0 07 c6 00 00 02 04 05 b4 04 02 08 0a 00 09  ................
0040   c4 80 00 00 00 00 01 03 03 05                    ..........

wouldn't the packet type be 0x0e? but isn't that a chat command? I'm so confuggled =( help please!
/WHOAMI -- Introductions / Howdy, I'm Fugly.
July 24, 2007, 09:17 AM
So here i am, brought here on a quest to figure out how to make a battle.net client and learn more about networking.

My programming skills basically are with web design (HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, PERL) and JAVA

hope this place doesn't suck =)