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Messages - [FBI]ProTerran

Battle.net Bot Development / Re: Starcraft Bot
July 15, 2007, 02:12 AM
It's quite simple, you don't have public IP when you are in LAN. OfCourse there is possibility to make game, you just need to convince your admin to direct  all packets received from bnet to your local IP number (your computer), but unfortunately admins usually don't do that :P

So I came up with an idea to make bot which will be creating games. Bot will be running on UNIX server with public IP .
sorry for my english but it's sux and i know it :P
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: Starcraft Bot
July 14, 2007, 05:11 PM
hmmm I'm asking cos I'd like to make bot for people who doesn't have public IP and because of that they cannot create game. Now I'm looking for some documentation. BnetDocs doesn't have such useful information ;/

If anyone know how to make packet please let me know
Battle.net Bot Development / Starcraft Bot
July 14, 2007, 04:56 PM
Is it possible to create game using only bot ?