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Messages - Mignonne

/WHOAMI -- Introductions / Re: Hi guys and dolls!
September 27, 2007, 10:48 AM

this way i just dont have to say anything being mom :) she says it all!!!
/WHOAMI -- Introductions / Re: Hi guys and dolls!
September 22, 2007, 11:51 AM
where are the corners, i can start sending the children there :) *points in a motherly way* *crosses her arms and taps her foot waiting for you to all go to your prospective corners!*
/WHOAMI -- Introductions / Re: Hi guys and dolls!
September 19, 2007, 08:38 PM
Quote from: Sixen on September 19, 2007, 06:34 PM
Hahahaha, welcome to vL's forums, I hope you enjoy your stay... Again, =). Sounds like you've got quite a busy life. Reminds me of my mom, :P.

i dont know if i should feel that was a compliment or that you were trying to offend me ;) *winks playfully* i am going to go with the compliment, since i am certian that you adore your mother :)
/WHOAMI -- Introductions / Hi guys and dolls!
September 19, 2007, 09:04 AM
hey guys and dolls,

some of you might remember me as WoLF`Amber or WoLF`Arylin both were commonly used names, i think i might of even used amerylin at some point, but as age continues on, the brain cells hold less and less information.

Life has been busy in the last bazillion years since i have been around. its such a flash back to hear people talking about b-net. (not to mention how old it makes me feel) i have been lucky to keep in touch with some of you from time to time and its been so neat to watch you from young adults into mature adults!

i hope this finds everyone doing fabulous :)

as for games, well, after Diablo and Starcraft and UO, i took a long break from doing much of any gaming. I played DAOC for a while then got into WoW pretty heavily when it came out. As of late after being a hard core raider in WoW, i have turned to a more relaxed lifestyle of EQ2, it makes me wish i would of played eq1 way back in the day, but hey :) we have to toss life into the mix somewhere. So currently i am an eq2 when i have time addict.

I am a mom, my oldest being almost 12 now, and my youngest is 6. They keep me running around like a chicken with my head cut off most of the time, hey mom gotta be here like in two minutes (its ten minutes away) or hey mom i told the school you would come in and help out and make 2 dozen cookies to bring with you in an hour sort of busy :) but i can say i would not change it for the world. i just need more hours in the day!

i am  enjoying things like Jeep 4x4 trail riding, target shooting (aka plinking), quilting and basic sewing and just hanging out still being the big kid i am inside playing video games online.

wow, talk about ranting on and on !! lol /puts away the introductory box :)
hope to catch up with some ya'll later, gotta run a kid to school now!

be well