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Messages - dino

I installed SC on my old comp cuhz my other one was under repair.  I put a key(Not the one from the box) and my name.. Laoded SC:original and you know how you have to clikc OK to download the knew ver. well i did that and a pop up came up saying :  " Battle.Net was unable to properly identify you application program.  Please reinstall from the CD and reconnect to Battle.Net. "
I reinstalled like 5 times and it still got that.. any help?
C/C++ Programming / C++ For Dummies(TM)
April 07, 2007, 04:31 PM
Is C++ for dummies completed with Dev-C++ good.. or do I have to buy other books to completely understand how to make a bot because it looks to me that the book doesn't show you how to make a bot just shows you got to script a bot.. anyhelp?
hi this is dino@USWest.. no aka on east..

i'm currently learning C++ and know VB6..
made a bot back in the day.  was never released so i dont think you guys know me. used to war and stuff but not anymore.  well sup! :D