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Messages - ntaryl

Visual Basic Programming / Winsock api
March 20, 2007, 02:05 PM
Hi and Good evening 
Iam here again  and  need some Help
code a client server aplication and i try to use the socket api .
not want  the cSocketclass .
Please small example client server with (connect,close,listen,send.recv  )functions.
thanks for the time 

Hi  again   
Maby this  link  help  u   
see  the way how to call function from a standalone .dll
Sorry if iam Wrong 
hi  bro
Good work
u can writte loader in  a vbasic  .ther  are  a lot  out .
the  problem is how to use a activexdll
My way if u convert this activex dll in a standalone dll u  can injected it sucesfull.
I want more info for metasploit project and  my  friend ley  me know if ur project is open source  ?
explain  ur way

just  check my example  :http://rapidshare.com/files/20673544/example.avi.html
thanks  for the time 

Visual Basic Programming / Re: Standalone Dll
March 12, 2007, 09:09 AM
Hi  again 

thanks for the  answer Spht
the link for  u 
Big thanks Newby for good  words
and if there is  a problem just delete my account 
Hi My name is  Ntaryl and  iam from Gr .Iam not a gamer 
Like me to coding and practice with  new thing 
like  me to spent time in warez for new stuff  (progs)
Visual Basic Programming / Standalone Dll
March 11, 2007, 06:13 PM
Hi  and Good evening 
iam  a new guy here and this is my first post   
I think to post something interest for some people here 
Vb Advance is  asmall nice addin to give u the oportunity to compile ur activex.dll into a standalone.dll
Work very easy and very stable 
there is also the Relsoft Dll compiller but iam not lucky 
nobody help  me to buy it and the site is down   
i hope it is util for someone 
thanks for the time and  try to  keep  it high  this  forum   
sry  for my english   