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Messages - Tomcat

Yeah, I figured it out. :-O  I just made a class... aww hell I haven't touched it in weeks, so I forget what I did, but it involved a separate class that was a JButton, or something like that.  Needless to say, it worked like a charm.  Email me at tomcat AT gdshadow DOT net if you've googled and come across this post and are wondering how to do this.  It's really simple, the kind of "shoot yourself in the foot" simple that makes you... well you know.
I want the user to click on a specific area and have something trigger as a reaction to clicking in the specific area.  I do not want this area to be specially marked whatsoever.  An invisible button, if you will.
Gaming Discussion / Re: W2BN
February 26, 2007, 03:13 AM
@TheMinistered:Your last three posts have all been flames towards joe[x86] :-(

Anyway, as for W2BN going the way of JSTR, it's possible, but unlikely.  Just like it's possible but unlikely for them to drop SC spawn or D1.
Yoni's Math Forum / Re: Solve this problem
February 23, 2007, 12:33 AM
Did you take the AMC this year?  I found it to be overbearingly hard.  Last year my school sent 11 students to take the AIME, but this year, we only had two break 100.  Perhaps the national average will be below that 100 marker this year, or perhaps my school simply graduated a large number of smart seniors :-/
Gaming Discussion / Re: W2BN
February 23, 2007, 12:29 AM
I believe they're making room for their next game, which will have its multiplayer component run through B.net.  As for War2, they'll never move it into public channels only.  I don't believe (and I could be wrong) that JSTR had keys specific to the Japanese version.  It was a unique circumstance, and since War2 has it's own keys, there is no way they'll force those players into public channels.  They paid their 5 bucks, just like everyone else.