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Messages - A2

[code]copy memory is really usefull, especially for filling vb types which can be build alot like cstructs

double = 8bytes
long = 4bytes
integer = 2bytes
byte = 1byte

to answer your question, without copymem that function looks like

function long2str(byval n as long) as string

  long2str = _
    chr((n and &HFF000000&) mod 256) & _
    chr((n and &H00FF0000&) mod 256) & _
    chr((n and &H0000FF00&) mod 256) & _
    chr(n and &H000000FF&)

end function[/code]

or backwards... dont know offhand, too lazy for testing!
it might not be in a dictionary, but ive seen it on printed text, and even ms uses the term.

'How to programmatically test for canonicalization issues with ASP.NET'
could you use CallWndProc or vb's CallByName as alternatives?
General Programming / Re: UDP to TCP proxy?
February 12, 2007, 05:41 PM
Quote from: Ringo on November 19, 2006, 05:04 AM
Just use a socks server?
The 2nd byte into the login packet, is a protocol identification byte, 1 for a TCP connection, 2 for UDP Bind. (google will help here)
Iv persionaly never used a socks server for UDP, so im not exacly sure how you specify the address of the destination, when sending data.

What i would persinaly do, as long as your school enables UDP across the network, is write a socks server for your home PC, and a gateway for the school pc+starcraft.
That way, your gateway program can *network* all the udp data to your home pc's socks server, via a TCP connection.
Example, sending 8 bytes to the socks server infront of every udp message with the port/ip/message lengh, so that your socks server can buffer split TCP messages, as well as faward the message payload to the correct address/port.

Its easy in princible, hard in practiss :)

note: this functionality is absent in socks4 (never std'd afaik)