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Messages - AntiRush

Quote from: Ringo on January 01, 2008, 06:44 PM
Quote from: Insolence on January 01, 2008, 04:06 PM
Hrm, well does that mean I have to have 1 client open for each game hash?

AntiRush gave me a good suggestion, just load up 1 client and change the hash in memory before sending each warden request.  that should do it :)

Well, you already answerd that question. :P
Logic would say write over the hash for multiple clients over one d2 window, somthing I have been doing since wardens introduction to d2 and hinted at for awhile and who ever antirush is, cought onto not so long ago :P
Same old story, differnt subject. :)
Don't flatter yourself too much ;).  There's apparently been some separate but concurrent innovation going on.  Imagine that. (I've been doing this for quite some time myself)
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: Map using dlls.
November 26, 2007, 12:03 PM
This is really neat.  I'm impressed. 
Quote from: rabbit on August 13, 2007, 07:32 AM
Quote from: Insolence on August 13, 2007, 05:00 AM
Warden is not an algorithm.  Warden is binary code executed on the client.
It's official.  You're retarded.  You have lost.  Please leave.

Hmm, last time I checked warden was binary code that's executed by the client. 

With that said I'm sure that there are currently workarounds for warden.  They also (unless someone has done a whole lot of work) aren't foolproof solutions.  A static database of responses seems to be the only viable route (other than correctly implementing a client that appears exactly the same as an official one - which would be pretty pointless).  Warden is extensible enough that changes could be implemented that would seriously break a database of static responses.  Sure, you could then add the correct responses to your database but that's a very inefficient way of going about things.

My solution (Diablo II only but it could be implemented for other clients as well) involves connecting an instance of the Diablo II client to my own 'game server'.  Warden packets are forwarded to the client and its responses are forwarded to battlenet.  This isn't a foolproof solution either, but it seems to be more durable than a static database.  The single client instance can be used for any number of pseudo-clientless bots so it's not an extremely bulky solution either.  This same method can also be implemented for pathing and any other functions you don't wish to reverse.
Software patent laws are pretty slim in South America, so I think we'll be ok. :)
Quote from: Ersan on February 10, 2007, 06:34 AM

But since you want people to "PHP a Site" before you have any working prototypes (or even concepts), this project will probably never get anywhere...

There actually is a working prototype (and therefore concepts) - check out the sourceforge page. 
Finally registered here  8)  Anyway I'm working on porting the code to c++ asap :P.  Especially if it'll attract more team members.  We'd love to have you onboard E.T. - release a new version of d2smells :P