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Messages - IceOnMe

Thanks for your helpful reply.

I'd like to propose another question: How to collect game results in both BN mode and LAN game mode?

I have made many tests but failed to figure it out, need help ???
Quote from: MysT_DooM on February 04, 2007, 02:16 PM

(BYTE) Slot Packet ID - 3E
(BYTE) GameSlot ID
(BYTE) Player ID*
(BYTE) Slot Status**
(BYTE) Player Race Selection
(BYTE) Force***
(BYTE) Unknown ID - 3F
(BYTE) Player ID
(WORD) Null
(WORD) 01 00
(WORD) 05 00

When no player is there it is 0xFF

Not Used   0x00 (Meaning for example, you're in Lost Temple and there are only 4 slots allowed, the other 4 0x3E's won't even be used)
Human      0x02
Computer  0x05
Empty       0x06
Closed      0x08

No Force  0x00
Force 1    0x01
Force 2    0x02

I agree with you ..

when use "team vs bottom"  the last bytes of 0x3e will be 0x01 or 0x02
and the decription of slot status is also correct and a great job

I'd like to ask what function does 0x3f and 0x3d which appears ahead 0x3e have.

my packets here:
32 b7 4e 00 12 00 13 00 02 00 00 00  // which known to us as the header
3d 64   //I'm wondering whether to separate 3d 64 from the upper bytes

3e 07 ff 06 06 02
3e 06 ff 06 06 02
3e 05 ff 06 06 02
3e 04 ff 06 06 02 
3e 03 ff 06 06 01
3e 02 ff 06 06 01
3e 01 01 02 06 01
3e 00 00 02 06 01

3f 01 00 00 01 00 05 00
3f 00 00 00 01 00 05 00

I am new here, and i am eager to learn from all of you.:)