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Messages - parvey09

Spht's Forum / help eternal chat operator issues
January 30, 2008, 03:32 PM
how do i get my bot to be a operator he a open char now with the brown robe i want him to be grey and have chat  privleges like so i can ban or kick and that other good stuff plz help
all i did was put this address in server and boom i was up never had a problem but i have one problem how do u make ur bot have operator privleges my bot says its open char i want ti to be a operator not a open char i cant ban or kick or nothing how would i fix this
ok i get the same error and my cd keys arne't  banned or my ip isnt banned and i still get that erro and i installed the runtime thing
and i still get that error i mean last time all i had to do was install it run it and do the info part and boom it was up but now i get this dumb bug all i want to do is just use it to hold my channel open plz help thx