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Messages - Christf

/WHOAMI -- Introductions / Re: What's up?
March 13, 2007, 04:14 PM
brew hmmm yes i think i know you
/WHOAMI -- Introductions / Re: What's up?
February 05, 2007, 05:27 PM
lmao! u posted what you guys think and what i think is :
Me > *  ;D
/WHOAMI -- Introductions / What's up?
February 03, 2007, 04:43 PM
Hey guys, my name is Christophe, I'm half french half american and currentley live in the U.S. I can speak both languages, i can code HTML and i am learning how to use Visual Basic 6. My aka on bnet is Christf@USEast and USWest. I'm in Clan RH, and I decided to come here cuz i might need help with vb6 and i just wanted to talk with programers and stuff. I play soccer and i guess thats all....