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Messages - deso64

I can't believe people actually get payed to do this stuff.... I mean, in my (3rd world) country, there are no laws to prevent abuse on the internet, or spam, so people from developed countries just hire a bunch of bilinguals without a job, with this crazy amount of salary, that would be meaningless in their countries, to do this sort of manual spam. (What better way to evade an automated program than a human being?)

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Hi Ringo, I'll try explain the situation that's going on at the moment.

What some people are trying to do in the PvPGN realms is making a working 1.11b Diablo II Game Server (D2GS, in PvPGN'ish slang - I think this might brought up some confusion with your proejct ;) ), but, the server software (D2GS) is Closed Source, it was made by a couple of coders ( http://d2dev.dlg.cn ) for 1.10, and since then, people are looking forward to a solution, either by hacking into it, or making a project, which unfortunatelly, hasn't been successful at all, something like dizzy explained :)