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Messages - peoman

Does anyone knows, how can i change the "Hardware Sound Acceleration Level" through VB.NET?
I have tried DirectX SDK but i couldn't find anything.

Thanks in advance.
.NET Platform / Re: [VB.NET] Datagridview add new row
September 14, 2006, 02:20 AM
I'm trying to use Suspend/Resume Binding like this:

DataGridView1.BindingContext(AuthorsDataSet, "authors").SuspendBinding()
DataGridView1.Rows.Add(New String() {"1", "2"})
DataGridView1.BindingContext(AuthorsDataSet, "authors").ResumeBinding()

but i still can't create a new row. What am i doing wrong?
.NET Platform / [VB.NET] Datagridview add new row
September 11, 2006, 01:34 PM
Newbie problem

I'm trying to create a new row to a datagridview.
I want to get the values of the cells from textboxes.
Everything i have tried, i always get this message:
"Rows cannot be programmatically added to the DataGridView's rows collection when the control is data-bound."

Any help???

I also want to be able to search in the datagrid.
How can i "select a row" when the index of a cell is equal or contains letters from a textbox?Huh

(I hope you can understand my english)
Sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. :-\
I only wanted you to see that I have read the rules and i have created the topic inside the correct forum.
If the rules are wrong, tell the administrator to correct them. It's not my fault.
Anyway I am going to create a new topic in .NET forum.
If the administrator wants to delete this topic, be my guest.
Quote from: rabbit on September 11, 2006, 08:27 AM
...There's a .Net forum.


1) No flaming and/or blatant stupidity.
2) If you post anything that is related to another language in this forum, I am going to recommend that you be banned.  See the Visual Basic?  That means Visual Basic only.
3) If you post anything that is VB or VB .NET specific, prepend your topic's subject with [VB], [VB .NET] respectively.
4) If you call it Visual Basics or abbreviate it as "vB", I will have you killed.
Newbie problem

I'm trying to create a new row to a datagridview.
I want to get the values of the cells from textboxes.
Everything i have tried, i always get this message:
"Rows cannot be programmatically added to the DataGridView's rows collection when the control is data-bound."

Any help???

I also want to be able search in the datagrid.
How can i "select a row" when the index of a cell is equal or contains letters from a textbox????

(I hope you can understand my english)
After a little search in google, i found that storm.dll doesn't decode or encode the cd-key. Only controls the mpq files.
I also found that for Diablo II
d2sfx.mpq\data\global\sfx\cursor\curindx.wav     (   User Name   )
d2sfx.mpq\data\global\sfx\cursor\wavindx.wav    (  Regular key  )
d2char.mpq\data\global\chars\am\cof\amblxbow.cof ( Expansion key )

Does anyone knows how the f@$% can i decode and encode the CD-Key in these files????
Quote from: l)ragon on August 25, 2006, 08:11 PM
Should have posted this in the .Net forum.


1) No flaming and/or blatant stupidity.
2) If you post anything that is related to another language in this forum, I am going to recommend that you be banned.  See the Visual Basic?  That means Visual Basic only.
3) If you post anything that is VB or VB .NET specific, prepend your topic's subject with [VB], [VB .NET] respectively.
4) If you call it Visual Basics or abbreviate it as "vB", I will have you killed.

I think i have posted in the correct forum.
I want to write a cd-key changer for Diablo II, Starcraft, Warcraft III.
I don't know where to start. I am very noob. :-[

I already know that the CD-Key is encoded inside the mpq files.

Warcraft III -> war3.mpq     (Owner + CD-Key)
                     war3x.mpq   (Exp CD-Key)
Diablo II      -> d2sfx.mpq    (Owner + CD-Key)
                     d2char.mpq  (Exp CD-Key)
Starcraft     -> StarDat.mpq (Owner + CD-Key)

Does strom.dll have the functions for decoding end encoding the CD-Key?
If yes, how can i import them in VB.NET?
Can anyone help me ? :'(
Maybe there is a *.ocx file that i can add as referance and save me from all that work.
I already have mpqcontrol.ocx and i can mange mpq files (extract & add files...).