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Messages - Xtreme

Spht's Forum / Re: Suggestion for Webbot
August 24, 2006, 07:26 PM
Webbot does support you to use just 1 password, but you don't know who it is if you give the password to a certain amount of people.

Who is Dave and how do I get the script for it?
Spht's Forum / Suggestion for Webbot
August 24, 2006, 02:24 PM
How about a login when people use the chat function from the website for webbot. Say:

Username: Xtreme
Password: blah
Message: Sup guys

Then the display on battlenet is like

Webbot: Xtreme says: Sup guys

And the bot owner is the only one who can setup usernames/passwords for the website chat function.

Good idea? Or is it impossible?