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Messages - LukeJrs

i'm still new to this any kind of code example? i dont understand it sorry need tutorial with ReadProcessMemory if match value byte or lower go to presshotkey
how can i do this? can you allocate me to somewere so i can read it the tuturial
I'm working on a new bot base on memory address what im trying to do is, ReadProccessMemory if value match 643 go to press this hotkey like f6 for hp pot

Is for a game

The poke is dynamic memory change everytime i open cleint

i defected dynamic memory

Poke 4A13E6 90 90

what i want to do is freeze dymanic memory, then readproccessmemory poke 584440 so i get the value if match 540 example hp is 2000 and i want use pot when hp is lower than 600 if lower than 600 press hotkey f6 for life point pot.

Ps. Im working on Delphi

Any template of this code? I made many change but my code doesn't work