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Messages - SupaFly

Wow, sparked some contraversy. Anyhows, managed to get it working and i'm using C#.

Thnx everyone for the help
Thing is... the method takes a byte[] and the password entered by the user is a string. How do I convert the string to a byte[] without applying any type of formatting?

Hope it makes sense what I'm trying to say. Thnx for the help

Battle.net Bot Development / Help with XSha1
June 29, 2006, 09:05 AM
Hi, sorry i'm completely new to this whole thing. Quick background:
I want to make a web login to a starcraft server (people tell me thats the "broken" sha way). I was just wondering, what type of Encoding do i need to apply to a string to send it to the Xsha method in the mbncsutil.dll, i've tried UTF, Unicode and ASCII but all of them returns something else than a known working php version I have.

I hope I posted this in the right section  :)

Help would be greatly appriciated