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Messages - DeathSoldier

I'm going to try that now, I'll post back to see if I need more help, thanks~!
Ok heres whats going on:

I loaded icons.bni, parsed it and saved it as a .tga file.  Then I loaded the .tga into a picture box and I can see all the icons perfectly in the picture box. Now what I want to do is split each icon from the picture box, load each icon into a image list (separately), then use the image list with my list view. I don't know if thats possible or if thats the best way, if someone could help me out I'd appreciate it.

Quote from: rabbit on June 20, 2006, 08:13 AM
Maybe if you didn't use a poorly written AddChat routine....
Instead of bashing the code, why not post a 'well' writting AddChat routine?
2 questions, I hope you can help a friendly kid out  ::)

1. How do I make it so  a time stamp shows before the lines in the color white, right now it just shows it the current color as the text?

2. If I was to turn bold on, then in another word turn italic on, the timestamp would show twice.
ex: [2:00 PM] HELLO [2:00 PM] there!

See how it shows the timestamp twice? I am new to vb, can anyone help me?

Current code:
Public Sub AddC(RTB As RichTextBox, ParamArray Parts() As Variant)
    Dim i As Integer
    With RTB
        .SelStart = Len(.Text)
        For i = LBound(Parts) To UBound(Parts)
            .SelLength = 0
            If VarType(Parts(i)) = vbCurrency Then
                Select Case Parts(i)
                    Case 0: .SelBold = True
                    Case 1: .SelBold = False
                    Case 2: .SelItalic = True
                    Case 3: .SelItalic = False
                End Select
            ElseIf (VarType(Parts(i)) = vbInteger) Or (VarType(Parts(i)) = vbLong) Then
                .SelColor = Parts(i)
                .SelText = "[ " & Time & "] " & CStr(Parts(i))
                .SelStart = Len(.Text)
            End If
        Next i
    .SelText = vbCrLf
    .SelStart = Len(.Text)
    End With
End Sub

Only thing change is the '.SelText = "[ " & Time & "] " & CStr(Parts(i)' (the adding of "[ " & Time & "] " &).

Thank you.