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Messages - oldeyed

Gaming Discussion / Re: Runescape?
June 12, 2006, 02:46 PM
Oh i see...well I really have no place in that arguement seeing as i wasn't playing before RS2 came out.

Gaming Discussion / Re: Zerg is the #1 Race
June 11, 2006, 11:57 AM
Play some Hunters and zerg owns to the extreme
Some one get on i just downloaded...
Gaming Discussion / Re: Runescape?
June 11, 2006, 11:48 AM
They actually have a new cheating detection systen which works very well, they also have a report abuse section were other players can report those that are breaking the rules.....and another improvement they have made is that they are now linking accounts to eachother via trades and ip adress so that low level sub-accounts arent just being banned but the main account of the user which is a high-level and took time to build is also being banned because he\she is using their low level accounts to cheat and produce income and trade to the high-level main accounts.

Very crafty is you ask me   8)
Gaming Discussion / Re: Runescape?
June 10, 2006, 01:36 PM
ehh, I play runescape....was never around for the 2d version. but I like the 3d version ok...I am level 81 and have like 5mil.

I do find the f2p version rather boring (free to play)....but the members ($5 per month) version helps that problem out alot.