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Messages - YourMother

Spht's Forum / Re: German letter support
July 17, 2006, 04:22 PM
Well, I think is still interesting and could´nt be so hard to implement.
Spht's Forum / German letter support
June 05, 2006, 12:37 PM
Hi there,

my wish is to add german letters to your EternalChat.
There are German "Umlaute" like ä, ü, ö,  and ß (and Ä Ü Ö) that are no displayed correctly when somebody else is writing something.
When I write some words with the EternalChat and only one Umlaut is in it the whole line is blank. And when somebody else in the channel is writing a word with an Umlaut the Umlaut is not displayed correctly: ä is displayed as ä. That´s a little bit crazy.

Edit: and when I write with EternalChat ä all other users see an ä.  rofl

Can´t be so hard to add it to your EternalChat?!


BTW: all the french letters like é doesn´t work also