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Messages - Centreri

Testing Forum / Re: test
May 23, 2006, 01:40 PM
Until someone didn't notice and messed it up.
Spht's Forum / Re: ClanGnome
May 23, 2006, 01:38 PM
All these battlenet things I never knew about. Thanks for explaining :).
Spht's Forum / Re: ClanGnome
May 22, 2006, 05:20 PM
So it's stealthbot-specfic? And greet's on anyway; doesn't happen to other accounts.
Spht's Forum / Re: ClanGnome
May 22, 2006, 04:52 PM
It's a good and interesting idea, but before I knew it was a bot I was very annoyed by it when it came into my clan channel 5 times a day or so (more on some days, I think).

Is it battlenet supported, or does stealthbot support it? Whenever it comes into my channel and I'm on my stealthbot, it tells me ' ClanGnome is away (I am the Battle.net Clan Gnome! www.spht.net/clangnome)'; in special blue text which signifies that it's significant. I don't think regular accounts can do that.
/WHOAMI -- Introductions / Hello.
May 22, 2006, 04:20 PM
My account is Centreri[SiA]@Azeroth, leader of clan Silver Archers, 13 years old.
I live in New York, first language is Russian but they didn't test it enough at home so I ended up knowing english better  :).

I don't particularly enjoy sports, am in 8th grade, and going to Stuyvesant High School next year.
I know: HTML(XHTML), CSS, some PHP, some Javascript, some Flash, Photoshop, Cinema 4d and some Java.
And I want to know everything else in that area.

I visited Valhalla Legends a few times before, but it was interest in the Clan Gnome that really made me notice that it's a popular forum here and made me decide to register.

Oh, and I'm working on a website at www.centreri.net, which currently redirects to the base layout for my SiA clan website, working on a small Warcraft World Editor project and writing my own forum thingie in PHP. Having some unexplained errors, though  :-\. In case you visit website, I'm going to renovate it later, don't worry about that.