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Messages - lorothrigs

General Discussion / Re: Cinco de Mayo
May 10, 2006, 03:52 PM
Quote4) lol, you're friends with a mexican.  You must be an outstanding human rights advocate for doing something like that.

Good job completely taking that out of context. I said don't call me racist because I'm not. Instead, you somehow make it sound as if I said that I was an outstanding human rights advocate, to quote your exact words. Not sure how you came up with that one, and I probably never will.
General Discussion / Re: Cinco de Mayo
May 09, 2006, 11:58 PM
QuoteIf someone is so desperate that he is willing to work for $20 a day to feed his family, and in spite of this he is being kept out of the US legally, then I congratulate him for breaking a stupid law in order to continue his survival.  It is a choice you would make, it is a choice I would make, and you are hypocritical to look at them in such a shameful light for doing it.

Well, I suppose you could say he's desperate to feed his family.
But, if he were to get a worker's visa, he could get a MUCH better job without having to humiliate himself by doing jobs for 20$ a day.

Also, this so called 'stupid law' is not stupid. It provides neccessary border control, and liberals like you refuse to increase the amount of security that is provided.

Some background info - I'm friend's with a mexican and an el-salvadorian. So don't say I'm racist.