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Messages - Mecctro

C/C++ Programming / Re: SC Bots in C++
April 07, 2006, 10:58 AM
I dont want anyone to hold my hand and i have searched but what i Specifically am looking for is an entire bot code to look at and configure or chage to make my own bot I really dont have the time for the "complete" creation of my own bot.

Sorry for irritating you I'm just not as technically adept in the "Blizzard" programming field but I am not a Newcomer either.

Thank you for your help and suggestions
I am Mecctro.

My life is mostly compiled into three groups that are as follows:

3.)Bodily Functions (which in some cases brings us back to women.)

I am into all sorts of games technology and stuff like that, and although computers take up a lot of my time I do enjoy much more than just playing a couple of games and going on the net to learn stuff, i do have other hobbies that is.

I think that somes me up, well i mean i am more than just that but my basis and reason for being here on earth thus far seems to be just these things.
C/C++ Programming / Re: SC Bots in C++
April 06, 2006, 12:38 PM
sorry for the long waited reply.

I do know VB just not as well as I know C++ I do know all of the basics in C++ and some other things realted to it as well. I can use Linux tools and Unix tools because I have a dual os win/lin on this one, and My server has Unix.

I think that i would be able to understand the basics of pretty much any easy code, and I would probably write my own code if I had enough time to learn all of VB and or C++ or C or .... wll you get the picture.

It would just be easier if I could be referred to a tutorial on Blizzard bots (any game type) that includes code from an entire bot so I may easily understand the "inner workings" of it.

Sorry for the inconvinience by not really specifying exactly what I wanted or knew.

Thank you for your time and experiance in the ohh so complicated and general field.
C/C++ Programming / Re: SC Bots in C++
April 04, 2006, 09:35 PM
yes i know c++ thnk you
C/C++ Programming / SC Bots in C++
April 04, 2006, 10:03 AM
Does anyone know were i can get help with or some code for a C++ Bot?

I dont really know VB as well as C++ that's the reason I want to know.

Thank you in advance.