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Messages - Chavo

Quote from: iNsaNe on October 21, 2007, 08:41 PM
f7 1e is just like:

(DWORD)     Cookie
(DWORD)     Host random token value?
(BYTE)      0
(WORD)      Host port
(DWORD)     not sure
(STRING)    Host name
(DWORD)     not sure
(DWORD)     not sure
(DWORD)     5
(DWORD)     0
(BYTE)      0

The last 16 bytes are a sockaddr_in struct that you will need to pass on to any clients (via 0xF706) if you are the game host.
Java Programming / Re: JDBC for idiots?
September 06, 2007, 11:39 AM
I must have missed that part :)
Java Programming / Re: JDBC for idiots?
August 30, 2007, 02:20 PM
Why not just include a sql script that sets up the databases on installation/first-run?
Spht's Forum / Re: ClanGnome
April 22, 2006, 10:18 PM
QuoteAny attempt to stop the beast is futile!

What about banning the bot every time a clans moderation bot loads.  As far as I've seen it only uses one connection/username so if it is on all the time, that should be pretty feasible.
Quote from: HeRo on April 07, 2006, 06:37 PM
Quote from: unTactical on April 07, 2006, 05:27 PM
it seems I would have to know the password for every account that I wanted to give ops to

No you don't, you could always have a friend load a shaman and a #2, then just demote the shaman, and you never will know the pass.

Right, but then they would
a) need 2 cd keys (granted 1 can be a floating key everyone uses just to get the ops
b) load a bot, most of the people that this will benefit won't want to load a bot every time they enter the channel

Maybe it would help if I went into a little more detail.

The clan chieftain is the primary bot for the clan.
There are 9 Clan 'leaders' (3 of which share a joint-chieftain role)
The wc3 shamans only accomidate 5 of the 9.
Therefore, I need a way to give ops to the remaining 4 (3 if I designate-op one) for the times when all 9 members are in the channel together.

Hope that makes more sense.
I just misunderstood what Hero was saying the first time, it works.  Unfortunately though it seems I would have to know the password for every account that I wanted to give ops to.  Since not all of these accounts are bots, there appears to be no way to achieve what I was hoping for :)

Oh well.
Quote from: HeRo on April 06, 2006, 08:49 PM
Load a shaman account so it is on #2, keep the #2 loaded, then with the cheif, demote the one that is loaded on #2, it will stay on ops, now you can unload #2, promote another name and keep on going.

I tried this, when the shaman is demoted it causes him to rejoin the channel and lose ops  :(
I have been doing battle.net related bot development for about a year now.  First with stealthbot, then with JavaOp, and a bit experimenting with my own C# variant.  Only recently have I had the need/desire to have more than one or two operators in a [clan] channel at any given time.

I've heard rumors that It is possible to have more ops in a channel than the Chieftain + Shamans + one designated op.  Is this possible?  If so, how would one go about doing this?  I don't need my hand held, but I just don't know enough about the subject to know where to start :)

Thanks for any help you can provide, hope I didn't overlook anything before posting ;)