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Messages - Permaphrost

Quote from: Warrior on March 09, 2006, 10:01 PM
It's only handled if you take care of the error

I am not trying to pick at what you're saying, so I do hope it doesn't seem that way. But error handling can be anything from reporting the error or saving information about the error, to functions that deal with certain errors to prevent them from adversely affecting the program. It does not have to fix the problem.

Anyway, sorry that this topic strayed off on a bit of a tangent here. Thank you to those who helped with the original question.
Quote from: Warrior on March 09, 2006, 07:43 PM

How are you handling them if you are making the errors be supressed. Nothing is being fixed, you just are suppresing the errors from showing. If your application is going to hang, it's going to hang regardless of how many times you type "On Error Resume Next". At the least it will produce unexpected results when an error occurs.

Horrible, horrible coding habbit to get into.

You're right, it is a nasty coding habit to get into. I'm not implying that "handling" errors by supressing them in this way is going to correct anything, simply stating that if you instruct a program to take action on an error, it is error handling.
You are handling them, nonetheless. You are instructing the program what to do if an error occurs - not handling them would be to simply let them occur and be unable to execute your code.
Well no dur. But it is a quick way of handling errors if you want to test the functionality of your program briefly.
Quote from: RealityRipple on March 08, 2006, 08:21 PM
Hey, guess what? Your e-girlfriend is my e-girlfriend's best friend IRL. :D

Quote from: RealityRipple on March 08, 2006, 07:18 PM
Hi Mike! My suggestion would be, since you said you could do it in assembley, get a copy of visual c++ (you probably already have it, though), compile the vb EXE, run it, open the process list, find the exe, debug it, and add the check through there.

Thanks Andy. And hi.
Quote from: TheMinistered on March 08, 2006, 03:54 PM
You make your application read itself (i.e. readfile) then you should hash the buffer that contains the contents of application.  Then you compare the runtime-generated hash with a pregenerated hash of the file (you can store this in a global var or append it to the end of the file, etc)  If they don't match, there has been an altercation...

This method is fairly simple and easy to crack though

Thank you.

Quote from: TheMinistered on March 08, 2006, 03:54 PM
But, since I highly doubt you know how to even do this in assembly

Why?  ;)
I haven't been seriously working with Visual Basic for too long. An application that I am working on requires a check to ensure that certain functions and/or information have not been altered. I am aware that a competent cracker could make such a check obsolete, but am still interested in including it. I would be capable of doing something like this in assembly, but am not sure how to approach it from a higher level language like VB.

Any thoughts?