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Messages - HardCoded.

lol my coding has improved by alot since this topic began
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: CleanSlateBot2.ocx
November 05, 2006, 04:02 PM
Wasn't there something called EZBNCS.dll or what ever that was a ocx for BNCSUtil.dll?
>< anything is crackable as long as you have the right pattern
:/ all my coding is runtimeage :/
that still is not better code just a differnt way
Visual Basic Programming / Re: BasicOP
August 28, 2006, 08:33 PM
Here's An Idea:How bout you build a bot that connects to bnet via hashing or bnls and also make it totally scriptable so therefore the people of battle.net can accually put there ideas into the bot rather then yours!
:O don't hate me

'say that youv'e already obtained the users access

Public Sub RunData(Message As String)
On Error Goto ErrInfo
Dim CmdSplt() As String,Command() As String
CmdSplt() = Split(Message," ",2)
Command(0) = CmdSplt(0)
Command(1) = CmdSplt(1)

Select Case LCase(Command(0))

Case "say","s"
Send " " & Command(1)

Case "op","designate"
Send "/designate " & Command(1)
Send "/rejoin"

End Select

End Sub
yes im Ratio@useast and there are people out there that are newbs to vb6 so pleasE?
lol I was aware of this but you never know
ListBox - ListUser
ListBox - ListAccess
File - Users.txt

Public Sub AddUsers()
Dim String1 As String,S() As String
Open App.Path & "\Users.txt" For #1 As Input
Do Until EOF(1)
Line Input #1,String1
S() = Split(String1," ",2)
Form1.ListUser.Additem S(0)
Form1.ListAccess.Additem S(1)
Close #1
End Sub


Public Sub AppendFile()
Open App.Path & "\File.txt" For #1 As Append
Print #1,"Text To Add"
Close #1
End Sub