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Messages - Simmen


I'm sorry - I just don't know any place where I can write this in :/

I search for a ICQ 8-Ball Pool Aimer which simply shows the lines into the right pocket and maybe shows spin/power options. Anyone know how to program it (maybe possible with pascal???) or where to get it?

Greetings !
Well, as I said - I do not have good programming skills. I "play" D2 in a Clonehunting Clan, the leadership guys use 50+ keys (bought proxys ofc) and this amazing bot. They have about 40 games each pwe. Thats the way they can crash servers :P
Anyway its possible for sure - no idea how but I saw it while helping killing...

Thanks for the help - other suggestions are welcome!
Ofc it's not on any FTP - better, I hope it isn't. It WILL stay private as long as the programmer decides to upload it on any bit Diablo 2 site. Sorry I can't do anything about it, I'm pretty lucky that I have this bot due nice connections...

Quote from: Ringo on February 20, 2006, 10:41 AM
i used to check agame every half a second, so that might have had somthing to do with it :P

Yes, I guessed so too. In my sight of view there are only two possibilities;

1. The bot can manipulate warden's check on game counts, which is (imo ofc) nearly impossible or

2. the bot checks the ip before joining and sends a command to quit is fastly after it's not the right ip, so that it quits the game before it was created, that warden can't even see someone was creating a game there.

Both things sounds (ofc for me... like always *unskilled* :D) pretty escapist!

Maybe someone kept in touch with simple D2 Bots like this over the times and know the "know-how" of such a point.

The association to find a game nearly with each key is just crazy in my head - I love that idea so I don't want to give up so soon...
I know all the IP's where Diablo 2 Clone will walk, thats not the problem... And I already know that it is possible to avoid bnets realm down.
Anyway thank you :)

Any other ideas?
Hello dudes,
first of all: I do not understand everything you post here and in other topics so keep that in mind, maybe I just "disunderstood" something.

I use a private Diablo 2 LoD "IP-Finder" bot to get games on any ip where the diablo clone will walk, thats how I can earn alot of money. At the moment I use 16 Keys but I heard of a Bot that avoid's Realm Down. It just "checks" the ip before joining and if it's not right ip it doens't join. The bad thing is that I won't ever get this bot because I really don't have any idea how. You need to know that this bot doesn't work due an .exe file, it works with a .dll which you just need to copy in the d2 folder. You can choose IP and activate the bot on any F1-9 keys...

Maybe you can help me? With any ideas, codes or maybe modifications. Also you need to know I only have very few programming skills.
Quote from: AntiVirus on February 05, 2006, 04:59 PM
Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on February 05, 2006, 04:53 PM
You speak better English than most Americans your age.
How old is he?

17 :)

Thanks buddys... Even if it honors me alot I really don't think so.. I learn english since 4,5 years so
Quote from: dx on January 28, 2006, 02:16 PM
welcome to the forums, what part of germany are you from?

I come from the area of "rhein" :)
Geetings vL users :)
I deal alot with Battle.net and stuff, searched some things via google and found your page. That great that I had to register myself immediatly :)

My real name is Simon, so my nick is not far away... I come from Germany and still go to school.. I earn little money with Diablo 2 (selling stuff...) and I learned how to program with Delphi in school and learned HTML and little Java/PHP by myself but I think I unlearned alot of that due not doing anything. When I looked at some Codes posted here I was just really weired :P I think my main problem is that I don't speak english good enough to understand everything you talk about and that means I only understand little part of the programming stuff - but NVM! You have good intructions and a IRC Channel so I'll "fight myself trough it" :P

Good Job @ vL!
Greetings - Simmen