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Messages - Physaro

it's great that you still want to accomplish this. But why do you want to look into the Storm.dll? Network and MPQ files are already very good documencted.

On another note, I am currently doing (among other things) a replay parser. The parser itself is finnished, but it doesn't show much information because in replays there is not documented how much dmg one unit deals to another. And also it does not say when a unit gets killed. This gets all calculated during runtime with a SeedValue that is saved in the replay.
I think that would be a great start point to reverse engineer the algorithm that calculates the dmg from the seed and maybe some other data (the time the game is running??) and of course you would help me alot :D

Just look here: http://bnetdocs.valhallalegends.com/sequence.php

At the end of the WC3 Logon sequence the client sends a NETGAMEPORT Packet (0x45). I just checked it an when I change the port in warcraft, it also sends the new port.
Hmm that would be very hard. Because you would need to reverse all the Field of View and Pathfinding algorithms. I don't know if there is s.th. similar in SC:BW but in WC3 there is a seed set in the beginning from which the players calculate the dmg etc so if that also true in SC:BW and you don't know the proper algorithm your bot might not be acceppted by the other player or at least one could see it in the replay. So there would be many challenges.

But of course a good bot would nearly be unbeatable, not so much because he can think of the best strategie, but because his mirco which is very important in SC.

If you really get this, go to Korea and sell it there. SC:BW is so popular there and I bet you could earn some thousand dollars for such a "training bot".
Ok, I now switched over to the real BNLS server, but ist still doesnt seem to work. I captured the traffic but I still can't find the problem. Could someone please look over the packet log???

I uploaded them here: http://www.sendmefile.com/00333653 , the dumps can be opened with ethereal.
Thanks for your help.
Thank you, I had already set the orrect NLSREVISION (2 for WC3), and now salt and serverKey are also correct. But I still get the wrong password thing  :(.
Does somebody know if JSLB has problems with encoding the password? Because I used that because I can easily include the jar in my project.

i am currently writing yet another Bnet Bot ;D and I am currently stuck in the login process because I always get a wrong password message. Currently I think the problem is how I send the BNLS_LOGONPROOF (0x03) message. I captured SID_AUTH_ACCOUNTLOGON packet and than read the salt and the server key as byte arrays. The documentation for 0x03 say that I have to send Dword so I converted those byte arrays to dwords and send them. Now I think that this is causing my problems because the byte order is changed. Could it be that I should send them as bytes to the BNLS server?

Computer Support Issues / Re: Speaker Problems
January 23, 2006, 07:23 AM
There could be several reasons for this behavior.

1. You might have enabled a special Soundprofile on your soundcard. If you want to fix it look in the system control for s.th. like a sound effect manager (the name of the tool depends on your soundcard)

2. If you have a microphone it could be that it records the music and plays it back again. To disable this go into the Sound Settings Tool of Windows and click on "Disable sound" at microphone (names can be different, I have the german version and don't know the proper translation :/). Then you can still record with the microphone, but you don't hear it anymore.

3. Look in your media player if you have enabled some strange sound profiles there.

I hope this helped