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Messages - ShadowDancer

Battle.net Bot Development / Map using dlls.
November 03, 2007, 06:15 PM


dword fastcall fog_10021(*char name);
dword fastcall fog_10101(dword direct, dword unknow);
dword fastcall fog_10089(dword unknow);
dword stdcall fog_10218();
dword stdcall d2win_10030();
dword  fastcall d2lang_10009(dword unknow, *char language, dword unknow2);
dword stdcall d2common_10506(dword unknow1, *char desc_, dword unknow2);

stdcall exception_handler {

call order/params:

fog_10021("name"); //name is the start for log files
fc_fog_10101(1, 0); //first param: 1 = -direct | 0 = load from mpqs| 2 = unknow
d2lang_10009(1, "ENG", 1);
d2common_10506(1, "init title...", 0);

function tmapping_enginne.load_room(act_pointer:pointer; level_id:integer; x, y:integer; unknow:integer=0):integer;
result:=D2Common_10787(act_pointer, level_id, x, y, unknow);

function tmapping_enginne.unload_act(act_pointer:pointer):integer;

function tmapping_enginne.load_act(mapid:integer; level_id:integer; unknow1:integer=0):integer;
{1->} $7C802400,  //who knows wtf is this...
{2->} mapid,  //seed 1
{3->} 0,   //this is 0 in the server
{4->} 0,     //pointer
{5->} unknow1, // byte ...   
{6->} 0, //
{7->} level_id, // lvl id
{8->} 0, //0 in server
{9->} 0 //0 in server
procedure process_0x5D();
1(BYTE) quest id
1(BYTE) flags (0x20 = notify)
1(BYTE) quest state
2(WORD) param, ie: monsters left in the cave of evil
debugmsg(1,'Quest '+inttostr(bytestack[0])+' '+inttostr(bytestack[2]),memo1);
may be a day the search button get life and start eating all us.


also it can success that a day u need to get the states soo u will ask for 0xaa instead of using the search button, http://forum.valhallalegends.com/index.php?topic=16228.0

and i think that all other questions that a new botmaker can do, have been asked and replyed by the members like ringo for hundreds of times.
void means that info is in bitfield format, i dont know how much of all packets that uses bitfield are public released but 0x9c, 0x9d are mosly full knowed, also 0xaa & 0xac packets.

unfortunately it's proven extremely difficult as I don't have a spare computer. < why do u need another computer (?)
if i see u connected in msn i will talk with u about this, in other way check d2mods.com there are a very good colection of post about how the map works.

Could someone possibly give me a bit more information on how the game's map and x/y system works? And (possibly) 0x03's precise format, and how the seed is generated. < how the seed is generated isnt the real problem ^^, how to use it is the real one.
each x/y location represents a tile, each tile haves a static amount of pixels, i dont remember well but it can be 16*16.
first: this subforo isn't for discussion.
second: Hi, I was writing a d2 serv in the past i can help u if u want.
Well, pvpgn said that they reversed the protocol and not the program as a legal argument, and it was valid. But i think that if they send "guys" to "make u visits" then there is not something related with copyrigth laws.
QuoteI think the author of WoWGlider was shutdown, also things like D2JSP can't be updated anymore (from what I've heard).  Rumored that Blizzard came knocking on their door forcing them to sign agreements?  Not sure how true that is though

mmmm the blizzhackerz owner have said something like that... guys travelling from us to europe just to know his door and make him some questions ^^.

Well in that case, i will be the only listed as project admin and blizzard guys will come to know my door (?) what is the problem.
WoWEmu servers are sent C&D letters every single day. < Yes but not to the developers (?)
QuoteNot realy, theres allready a server yes but there's never any updates for it.
the group that maked it have said that they are no more interested in d2 or blizzard games.

QuoteYeah, but remember it wasn't a problem for the developers of BnetD?   Hmm, I think it was.
You are talking about blizzard legal actions to stop the bnetd developing ?

if yes, then think that wow emu servers are a reallity and d2 is deading.
edit: i havent said anything productive :(
http://assembla.com is like a contact point xD. sf provides you with 100mb of webspace, php and mysql, shell access, cvs and a good release system, also their servers are most the time working fine, the only problem is that their web system sucks xD.

But since you want people to "PHP a Site" before you have any working prototypes (or even concepts), this project will probably never get anywhere...


If u think that i just come with this idea yesterday and today i have started a thead and a web u are totally sad xD.

I work in a group of coders as project manager / analyst so i have a small experience in it, a dedicated forum is absolubtly needed bcoz the computer time of all will never match, so we'll talk better in a forum.

Also a small page for docs / news / task / rel code is requested if it is a big group bcoz if it dont exists people will do the same thing each time.

But those dont need to be wonderfull pages ^^ for example "a small page for docs / news / task / rel code " can be a "longtext, title, date" in a database :D

I think a lot of people can make a better forum than sourceforge provides in some weeks ^^

I'm currently working on writing my own forum system based on PHP and MySQL < will be opensource or pay2use ?

db mysql