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Messages - Trejo

Battle.net Bot Development / Re: Starcraft Keys
January 11, 2006, 10:06 PM
Quote from: Afflicted on January 11, 2006, 10:01 PM
I Decoded 1000 Keys... All using the same Public Values.
The Public Value being: 3240285
The CDKey Range being: 3307x609x7x13 (x = Random... For randomizing Private Values.)
The Product Value being: 01
The Private Value being: Random

There are 499 Invalid, 500 Wrong Product and 1 Valid (Muted or Voided or Working)
Therefore, Your odds are now 1 in 500. After you remove all the keys with the product
of: 01 < *

Which raises the question: Where does the value 5460083 come from... I know its a
valid public value..... but what relationship does it have with the key.... its like a sister
key of the "Product Value"..... Help me out here?

Note: Delete the Wrong Product values and encode all the values to get the 1 in 500

You know the 3 x's are based on the private value, right? Where did you get the other 10 digits from?
Yes, I discussed this in previous posts here and here.  It's quite messy.
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: Starcraft Keys
December 31, 2005, 05:12 PM
Quote from: GoaL on December 31, 2005, 09:15 AM
I have a program under development that is about 65% done, it is in C++ http://www.grimhosting.com/grim`mass - Check it out. I'm going to put the list of 1.39GB of keys I have (after using the check the installer uses and running 0000000000000-9999999999999 through it) and let it just run, it auto-refreshes proxies and i'm going to have a scanner running 24/7 outputting the the bot's proxie file. I'll post the results here.

That's really not a good plan.  It'll probably take you a few years or so to complete...
/WHOAMI -- Introductions / Re: /whoami
December 30, 2005, 04:11 PM
Quote from: dx on December 30, 2005, 03:01 PM
The same trejo who posted an application on fe.org?

Yes, that would be me.
/WHOAMI -- Introductions / Re: /whoami
December 30, 2005, 01:53 AM
Thanks everyone.
65025 is a rather unique number to use...why such a large array?
/WHOAMI -- Introductions / /whoami
December 28, 2005, 11:58 PM
You can call me Trejo.  I speak English, some Spanish, little Polish.  I have been programming miscellaneous applications since I was 12, I am self tought and I know VB, C++, and I'm quite alright at reverse engineering/debugging on Windows.  I have been in the whole Battle.net bot scene for a long time, but my name's been left very very low.
Uses ZLIB compression, IIRC.  Pre-1.13 it was all plain text.
BnetDocs seems to have been updated.  I noticed that my self, too.
This message is used to request a list of maps to use, along with the URLs for user profiles and ladder lookups.  It's simply:

(BYTE) Request type (2)
(DWORD) Cookie (Static incremental variable)
(BYTE) Types of data requested (5)
(DWORD[]) Lookup data

Lookup data usually consists of the following types: '\0URL' (List of urls for ladder/profiles), '\0MAP' (list of maps), 'TYPE' (game types available, iirc), 'DESC' (description of the maps), 'LADR' (list of ladder maps).  The second dword for each lookup data item is usually always seen to be 0.
I can't seem to find my old notes on this message, what exactly is the purpose of this?
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: Revelation Bot!
December 27, 2005, 10:59 PM
Quote from: Joe on December 27, 2005, 10:12 PM
Implementing CD-Key decoding and stuff in VB is harder than I thought. I'll cheat and use BNCSutil, for now.

Implementing the long alphanumeric Cd-Key decoding routine in Visual Basic may be tough, but the simple numeric and short alphanumeric routines shouldn't be much of a hassle.  Give it a try.
Your gateway can always use FindWindowEx() to find the handles and change the state of the command buttons in Brood War's window class, this may work.  Try using Microsoft's Spy++ to find out more information about Brood War's Battle.net chat dialog.
No, this function is perfectally fine for this.  Remember that the first value needs to be passed by value.  With a Currency data type, it'll return 54975581.3887 into the variable.  Although, 0x7fffffffff is 549755813887, that's the only way you can copy it unless you're using a user-defined type with two long members.
The GetMem8 function of MSVBVM60.dll is a much more cleaner version of what Ringo's GetQWORD and Joe's QWORD_FROMSTRING do.  Just for your convenience, I have included the prototype for the function call below.

Declare Sub GetQWord Lib "MSVBVM60.dll" Alias "GetMem8" (ByRef inSrc As Any, ByRef inDst As Currency)

The second parameter can be changed to Any incase you would like to copy the data into a user-defined type.  This can be changed without any issues assuming you call the function correctly, hope this helps.