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Messages - Yoni

Thing-O-Rama ™ / Re: Tell us now!
December 28, 2009, 11:21 AM
I'm actually here, just less frequently. Though I don't get on Battle.net anymore. Same with Spht and Skywing (haven't heard from Grok for a while though).

Nah @ BNLS. We have more interesting projects now :)

Haha @ Hostile
Yoni's Math Forum / Re: Happy Pi Day!
March 19, 2008, 07:56 AM
:D @ all
Pop it into msexcel and hit the graph button, if you're a man!
General Discussion / Re: Lolcats!
February 09, 2008, 06:52 PM

EDIT: floor(e*1000)'th post!!!!
Spht's Forum / Re: It's past midnight
December 27, 2007, 06:09 PM
Spht's Forum / It's past midnight
December 24, 2007, 05:43 PM
And things aren't Christmasy around here!
Yoni's Math Forum / Re: Graham's number
November 10, 2007, 05:12 PM
Quote from: UserLoser on November 08, 2007, 02:29 AM

Seems kinda crazy to me.  What "serious" proof was this actually used in and how the hell does someone come up with it?  Also what are the arrows going up mean exactly?
All your questions are answered in the wikipedia article...
The solution to the bonus:

Order the ships as in the non-bonus question. Once you hit a boat, try to hit it a second time.
If you succeed twice in a row, that's the exact boat and you can extract its parameters.
If you succeed and then fail, that's not the exact boat and you may keep trying the next boats.

(I'll leave the exact proof of the solution to you.)
Very nice and well-worded attempt. Seems to be correct, although I'm not sure you've proven it correctly.
(You can show it easily using linear algebra; if a boat in subset C is hit, the parameters describing the boat satisfy 4 linear equations in 4 parameters, and this system has a single solution which is the parameters of the real boat.)

Anyway, I know a simpler solution (and I hope Ender's solution hints at it).
I'll post it sometime this week unless you can find it.
K is wrong.

Unrelatedly: A single bomb doesn't destroy the ship.
Yeah, you may post it. Go ahead.

As for your attempt of solving the bonus, there is a problem with your solution, but I won't say what it is.

[Spoiler alert! Solution below.]

The solution in 1 sentence:
The cardinality of the set of all possible boats is Aleph-0, so order them, and on the n'th second, hit boat n in the position it would be in after n seconds.

Longer explanation:

How many possible boats are there? Each boat is identified by its initial position (a,b) and constant velocity vector (c,d), which are 4 integers. Therefore, the set of boats corresponds to the set of quadruples of integers (Z^4).
The cardinality of Z^4 is Aleph-0, the same as the cardinality of N. This is proven in courses on set theory, and I will not explain the full proof here (there are several proofs, given by giving an example of a one-to-one and onto function between the two sets).

K's partial solution already assumes that Z^2 has cardinality Aleph-0, when he says:
"All that remains is to plug each possible value of (c,d) into the equation"
Convince yourself that Z^2 has cardinality Aleph-0. Then you'll see that Z^4 also has cardinality Aleph-0, since (a,b,c,d) <--> ((a,b), (c,d)) <--> (e,f) <--> g. Get it?

Now that you agree that Z^4 has cardinality Aleph-0, we can order the boats and give all of them index numbers 1,2,3,... (this is because there are countably infinite boats). Each boat has an index number; no boat is missing from the list, and in particular, the actual boat is on the list. It doesn't matter how we order them.

This numbering is enough to start attacking: On the n'th second, try to attack the n'th boat - consider that n seconds have already passed, so attack the position it would be in after n seconds (as K has explained). Eventually, n will equal the actual boat's index, and the attack will succeed.

For bonus points: Improve the algorithm so that it also finds the starting point and velocity ;)
Quote from: K on October 04, 2007, 08:47 PM
We'll also assume that there is an upper bound on the magnitude of the velocity, which I hope is not cheating.  If the boat is traveling at an infinite rate we're in trouble.

Many people I have told the riddle to have a difficulty with the distinction between "infinite" and "finite, but unbounded".

There is no upper bound on the velocity. But, it is finite.
That is, the velocity being (c,d), c and d are finite integers. But there is no upper bound on either one of them.

Get it?

I'll post the full solution later this evening.