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Messages - 111787

go to like the Dell outlet.  They sell the custom made computers that people return for mucho mucho cheap.
We don't need a straight up Wall.  Some sort of physical impedment does make since though.  Probably some sort of advanced network of sensors(thermal, motion, visual, etc) would probably more practical.  This would be pretty expensive, so I would also agree with a far far far right type plan.  Basically, put out cheap wooden signs on the border that say in spanish "This sign is on an imgainary line, If you cross this line without permission you will be shot on site"  then we really shoot them.
General Discussion / Re: ACT (Writing?)
April 29, 2006, 08:50 PM
I know Boston University required either the SAT and 2 SAT II Tests or the ACT plus Writing.
Im pretty sure if an Ipod dies due to a software error you can send it in to Apple and get a new one assuming you haven't voided the warranty...You know by like taking it apart.
ok so i want to write this all mathematically right.

The number of integers in the range of the function f(x)=y where x and y are both elements of the set {0,n} greater than or equal to z.
Quote from: iago on February 23, 2006, 04:50 PM
Try making your own domain that points to vL.  Register a .no-ip.com domain and tell it the same ip address as vL.  I don't think it will work well, since this forum software doesn't like different DNSes, but who knows?

My school blocks that under 'Free Host'. 
Quote from: Grok on February 03, 2006, 03:29 PM
The 8th picture is not from Iraq.

That is Dr Daniel Jackson from SG-1.

That character does not where a wedding ring.  The man in the picture does.
Last year I managed to gain the Administrator password, access the local grade server, and disable all the site blocking software at my school in about 5 mins.  Then some freshman realized the site block was off and went to a porn site, and well they literally pulled the plug.  It was kinda easy since the Admin login was Technology and so was the password for everything.
Politics / Re: This little fucker should die
January 25, 2006, 04:32 PM
Hmm the interesting question here is why not the death penalty.  Such punishment I believe could reasonably be used when the victim could defend the action of killing the defendant in a criminal trial.
Fun Forum™ / Re: Where do you fall?
January 22, 2006, 05:34 PM
Larger than High Average.
Politics / Re: NSA anti-spying controversy crap
January 19, 2006, 02:03 PM
Quote from: iago on January 18, 2006, 09:44 PM
Quote from: 111787 on January 18, 2006, 08:47 PM
"Until you are ready to march off for the good of your country to some god forsaken rock in the middle of nowhere to die for a cause that you may not even believe in then you need to shut the fuck up and observe your democratic right not to participate in your free government."   
There is so much wrong with that statement that I don't even know where to start. 

The obvious one is that this has nothing to do with the topic. 

Next, what is the point of sacrificing yourself on "some god forsaken rock in the middle of nowhere" if your deeds aren't going to let your brother and friends live in freedom?  And part of freedom is your rights, which is exactly what's being abused here.  So in other words, you are saying that people are dying for nothing. 

Of course everybody has a democratic right to not participate in the government; of course, they also have a democratic right and responsibility to participate in the government.  Just because somebody isn't going to die for their country, they shouldn't exercise their right to participate in government?  I don't really understand the connectioni there. 

You miss my point entirely.  What I said has everything to do with the topic at hand, I am tired of people running their mouth off about how the government encroaches on their freedom when infact they abuse the freedom given to them by the government and fail to give up anything in order to ensure their freedom they just expect it.
Politics / Re: NSA anti-spying controversy crap
January 18, 2006, 08:47 PM
While the Constitution insures a reasonable expectation of privacy on/in one's property/person.  Those phone calls are intercepted off US telecommunication satelites, additionally  I have always held a single belief, "Until you are ready to march off for the good of your country to some god forsaken rock in the middle of nowhere to die for a cause that you may not even believe in then you need to shut the fuck up and observe your democratic right not to participate in your free government."   
Politics / Re: alQueda owned
January 17, 2006, 04:57 PM
You mean like Osama who is heir to the largest Saudi construction company.
Politics / Re: Temporary Gaurdianship
January 15, 2006, 04:40 PM
No US law prevents you from leaving the country without your parents.  However to obtain a passport both parents of a minor must give expressed written consent.  Also I am not entirely sure how you think your getting to Nicaragua but its not on a plane leaving from the US.
Does the HDD spin?