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Messages - Antarctica

Quote from: Andy on February 13, 2009, 04:52 PM
fnctCopyMemory? That's an API call, not a standard function...

In any case, the code in the earlier pages of this thread is no longer the right way to handle Warden.

Alright.  Do you think I can please see your code for how it is handled now?
Okay really dumb question for your code, Andy.  I'm getting a mismatch error in the 4th line of code (from your clsWarden module)

Public Sub StrToByteArray(ByVal sStr As String, ByRef Ary() As Byte)
Dim I As Integer
  ReDim Ary(Len(sStr) - 1) As Byte
  fnctCopyMemory Ary(0), sStr, Len(sStr)
End Sub
I was just looking for a way to, when creating a game, do /whereis <username> for every user that joins.  Then, if the return is that the user is in any other place than the game I created, have the player automatically banned.  How hard would that be?  ???
And how would I hook Windows API calls within the Starcraft.exe process?
Yeah i just want to run my Starcraft's connection through a vb6 app to sniff the packets and maybe inject some.  However, TCP doesn't seem to be enough, because with out it, SC wants to say "You do not have UDP support" and therefore I can't play any games.
I want to try to add UDP support for a program that routes the Starcraft's connection through a vb6 program.  How do I use the UDP protocol for this?  I have no idea how to use the Bind command.  Please help.

Here's what i have for the two bind commands (sckMainUDP will connect to starcraft, sckBNETUDP will connect to Bnet)

sckMainUDP.Bind "6112", ""
Battle.net Bot Development / Help with sending 0x09
February 03, 2008, 08:50 PM
I know this may sound like a dumb question, but what are you soposed to put for GameName, Gamepassword and Statstring when sending 0x09? I mean why would u need that to request a list of games?  Again probably dumb question dun make fun of me  :-\
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: SCGS Info?
February 02, 2008, 11:44 AM
Lol, in game packets for SC, specifically what it takes to join a game and dl a map?
Battle.net Bot Development / SCGS Info?
February 02, 2008, 11:39 AM
Does anyone know of a place where I can get some information on SCGS?  (Didn't find anything on google so don't say)
Someone please provide me with information on the possibilities for Status because i can't seem to find it on bnet docs.
Yeah, i am using useast.battle.net
No, I don't remember doing anything fancy like that  :-\
1: Yes, on both Form_Unload and Form_Terminate
2: No
3: Please explain what this means (sorry for being newb)
General Programming / VB6 Crashes when exiting app
November 23, 2007, 05:26 PM
I'm having quite a weird problem.  With my project, when I run it, then close it out, vb6 locks up and i have to crash it.  Anyone heard of this?

It only seems to happen when the Form design window is open.
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: lockdown source
August 02, 2007, 03:14 PM
Anything that will work for vb6?