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Messages - diabl0

i was wondering if its possible to see every account that has logged onto battle.net from your computer.
i know theres a reg value "lastbnet" that has the last name you logged in as, but is there a place (folder or file)  that every account is stored?

lost mule accounts would be a thing of the past.

i looked in Diablo II/Save but there isnt even account names in there, just some character names.  most of them arent even my characters... like characters i met playing on battlenet. why do these save to MY folder?
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: works only once??
October 07, 2005, 12:30 AM
well i found this in the code

Private Sub csb_JoinedChannel(ByVal ChannelName As String, ByVal Flags As Long, SimulatedEvent As Boolean)
AddText vbGreen, "Joined channel " & ChannelName & " with flags " & Flags
Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub

i changed it to false like so

Private Sub csb_JoinedChannel(ByVal ChannelName As String, ByVal Flags As Long, SimulatedEvent As Boolean)
AddText vbGreen, "Joined channel " & ChannelName & " with flags " & Flags
Timer1.Enabled = False
End Sub

i dont think the program is ending.. which is what i think the timer does.. so i dont think that was the problem. i want it to end after all.. once it has done the deed. but its not changing the pass like its supposed to do.

like i said i dont know if this is the only problem with the bot.. but it WORKS (once) when i let it sit.. usually a few days
now its not even changing the pass.. (didnt before either except the first time)  im sorry if im a vb noob, lol. its true! i just want to get this damn thing to work!

also thanks guys for the tips.. but its still not working to my (and your) dismay
sorry that im so annoying! but.. im annoyed! i cant get it to run, and im uhh.. begging. yeah thats it
Battle.net Bot Development / works only once??
October 06, 2005, 02:06 PM
i dont know if im getting my ip temp banned, or what the deal is.

this bot works when i try it once.. then wont work again.. until i usually start it on another day. then it works only once again. i dont know if its my bot source code, or if its the servers.... or both!

i thought it was bnls before since it was down... but its back up and the same thing is happening
i tried switching cd keys, that didnt work.
i tried another server besides bnls.. that didnt work. ( a.k.a. hdx.no-ip.org )
i log on the first time just fine... then i get this for every other attempt

[14:02:18] BNLS: Connecting...
[14:02:18] Connected to BNLS!
[14:02:18] BNLS: Auth Successful!
[14:02:18] Connecting to battle.net...
[14:02:18] Connected!
[14:02:18] BNET: Client version accepted!
[14:02:19] BNLS: Disconnected

keeps saying bnls is disconnecting me.... not bnet.  wtf? why is it doing that?

here is the source
Visual Basic Programming / packet help please
October 06, 2005, 03:23 AM
i am having trouble with a packet sniffer at the moment.

i need to know what packet to send, and what port to send it to if i wanted to send a whisper packet in diablo 2 that said "online" to another user. and i would also like to know what packet is received if the user your whispering to is not logged on...

thanks in advance!!!

ty guys for all the replies!
i will try my best to get r' done myself.
very informative dragon....  also thanks to the rest for your ideas and suggestions! also, very good news that bnls is coming back!

ty all!
lol, your right peter. i DONT know how to do it.
and if i ask for someone to do it for me, what does that make me... a lazy beggar?
well, im not lazy.. and i wouldnt beg for someone to do this if i knew how.. but i dont
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE???? otherwise.. if i wait until bnls is updated.. (maybe a year or 2) will this work then?

desperately yours,
k, when i open the project, there is only one form and one module.
i searched for valhallalegends.com, 9367 and it found nothing.
the bot uses csb

here is the source if anyone is interested... im sure its probably full of other errors as well.

i just want this to work again... heh
also i can be reached at...

EMAIL: [email protected]

aim: dsvevilgod
yahoo: toddie_s
Visual Basic Programming / where to edit bnls server?
September 30, 2005, 08:41 PM
i have a bot source code in vb and i dont see where the bnls server is. i need to know how to change it, and what server to use. if anyone could tell me what to do that would be great.
yes i know a little of the language...
but it seems that all tutorials and especially cleanslatebot are aimed towards vb
i know the scripting language autoit extremely well  but i know that doesnt help.

from what i have read even an idiot can make a bot (and alot of them do) using csb
so,  i mean, i pretty much would like help learning vb, but not from a "hello world" standpoint
from a "so you want to make a bot" standpoint

step one.. step  two......
because i have already spent so much time.
i would prefer to make the bot in c++ because i hate using vb thats why i never learned it.
but i have read a few books on c++ and i know how to declare variables and make functions.. all of that. but i dont know how to make a bot at all.

so i would rather have someone say ok type this
connect-battlenet port 6112 or somehting like that,

instead of spending weeks just trying to figure out commands.. screw that. years.
i dont even want to learn vb im just stuck with it because otherwise i will

have to go to college
spend 10 years and alot of money
build a bot for a dead game nobody plays anymore.

im not asking to have the bot built for me although if i had the money i would GLADLY pay someone to code it for me.

however i know time is very valuable but i would still like to be an apprentice if there is anyone willing.
im good at following directions.

i have read tutorials on vb as well... yadda yadda
i know programming, concepts.. but the syntax  and different commands for different languages is killing me.

i could go on forever.. but i have typed too much already.
so without advice on what i should learn (i have learned enough! if i knew it all i wouldnt need help!) please offer help instead.
im not starting from nothing here.. and asking for a handout. im sincerely trying to understand how to make a bot. i have vb6 and i just want to know what i need to do next to make the bot.. not asking how or why a command works or functions....

i need a cigarette!!!!!

properties.. where are those???????????????????????????????

modified ok  the tutorial said properties.
now im jsut reading the tutorial, not writing it.. it never said OBJECT properties

im not stupid, actually.. just ignorant to visual basics.

and why is it impossible, even if i was a vb guru... to make a bot like i described using csb?
lol. if it is true that the library pressed charges.. what would he be charged with?

downloading something or installing something on a computer without permission? i suppose thats reasonable to press charges.

but did the library actually fix the vulnerability (if any)?

if they did, then i dont see why they would press charges. which means the vulnerability is still there (if there ever was one) purely speculation but...

if there is a vulnerability and the library has too much pride to listen to someone else who might be right,  and if i was cuphead and had charges pressed on me, i would see to it that damage occurred somewhere along the line, possibly by posting the exploit public and allowing kids to mess up the libraries computer.. or something to that nature.  not that im a revengefull person, but if you are in prison because you tried to help someone.. shit i  might have to do a morals check and do some dirty deeds.

i just  was reading this thread and thought i would comment. no offense to anyone!
i know theres a tutorial.... i know some people dont like csb users.
i dont know vb

with that said, you can flame, but tell the people something they dont already know....
heres where i am so far...

i have opened vb6 and started a new project as a standard .exe
i placed cleanslatebot2.ocx into my c directory
i typed this into my runbox regsvr32  c:\CleanSlateBot2.ocx and i got the successful message.
i couldnt drag the CH icon but i double clicked it, and i now see "cupheads cleanslatebot ocx" on my form

the tutorial (very small  and incomplete) now says i must do this.
-=- 5.1 Properties                                          -=-
-=-    The OCX has properties that must be set before you   -=-
-=- tell the bot to connect.  These will be explained here.

so.. how do i change the properties? i dont know what to click on, or where they are.

and i will say this in hopes to get some help.. because im sure i will be back asking more questions but...
i appreciate all the work others did to make it easier for a newb to make his own bot.
i would also like to mention that i do not plan on distributing this bot.. or takling credit for others work.

my goal  is to make a finished bot.. that can actually connect to a game!
i simply want to make a bot for myself, that will automule items from one account, to another, and log the items that it mules  to a .txt file or database of some type..

of course i dont have the foggiest on where to start.  but it would be nice to just be able to
go through all characters in an account
determine character type (combinations of ladder, hard/soft core and expansion/non-expansion)
create a game in normal difficulty
go to town in act 1
dump inventory, stash, gold, mercs gear if possible (drop on the ground or better yet trade to another bot)
have the second bot create an account,  go to the game,, grab the items (trade or grab off of ground)
log each item the second bot picks up with full statistics (like def/dmg and any/all stats)

i know this is getting way ahead of myself, and i just would like to get the bot to connect to bnet at this moment but... i have been trying to make a bot for sooo long and i have used autoit (www.hiddensoft.com) but its not very reliable as it does not deal with packets.. only mimics keystrokes and mouseclicks plus you have to have d2 installed

but i mean i dont want someone to do the work for me, but on the same hand i dont want to learn everything there is to know about vb6 before i start making this bot.

i would love some source code, tutorials, any help that can be offered to me.
i would especaially like some one on one tutoring possibly through an instant messenger.
i am wanting to make this bot to help me play the game, and im not trying to make a bot for others to download and use, so im not going to be "leaching" anything.

well.. i suppose even with that foreword there will still be flamers so.. flame on i suppose.
ty to those of you who are willing to help a noob who isnt afraid to admit that he is a noob.

so to recap... my CURRENT  question is (because i know there will be many more questions)
properties..  where do i find those? (read above for the properties im referring to)
sorry but im just a beginner.  i dont know how to search for a specific value using artmoney although i DO know my cdkeys so thats not a problem.  and i also tried to play around with ntsd but i have NO clue there...
good suggestion though, now how to apply it.. lol
and i suppose that same method could show me where the pw is stored (if it IS indeed stored in memory and not elsewhere).

hey, by chance would a willing soul care to post any kind of small tutorial (or a link to one) for using ANY memory utility?  i have no preferences as to which utility i should use so anything would be helpful..
im learning! thanks for bearing with me.

p.s. iago... nice name. do you visit the forums at hiddensoft.com (autoit)? your name is familiar.
i was using artmoney and i found regular cdkey at memory address 01e70100
and i found expansion at 01e701b0

but i know that they are also stored in the .mpq files

and since the topic came up...
it would be nice to know where to get the stored password info. as tazo said in an earlier post its most likely stored in the memory. which seems logical to me since when you try to send your password in a chat channel in diablo 2 it wont send it, so there must be a client-side place the password is being stored, that is checked against what you send in chat... right?

i cant see it using artmoney, unless its encrypted in the memory and i cant make it out..  i found the cdkeys easily and they were clear and not scrambled or encrypted in any way.

anyone interested in persuing this? let us know!

p.s. i was looking at d2data.mpq with an mpq viewer and i see 10851 files but i cant figure out which one has the cdkey info. i just dont see it.

im not looking to get into a discussion on morals,
but to answer your question, no i did NOT purchase myself... 100 copies of the game.

although, i have traded things for keys, (accounts/items/other keys)
i didnt obtain these keys illegitamately in the sence that i feel you are questioning of me. (are these stolen? hacked?)

ethics aside.. i didnt ask how to hack or steal... but thats besides the point.

i am looking for some help in coding a small simple bot... or utility. that would probably take maybe 10 minutes of someones time who knew what they were doing.

i just want to check a list of cd key sets.. to see if they connect, or if they dont.
and have the program/bot/utility/whatever you want to call it...make a new list of the ones that work, with the non-working ones excluded.

not asking to be criticized about the origin of my keys...
if you can help, i would really appreciate it.

if you dont want to help, thats your choice, however...this isnt something that
should give a person capable of making this.. any reasons to NOT want to help me.

im not a bad guy.

whats the need to change the subject from making this bot... to where i obtained the keys?  thats off-topic and is distracting from the main goal of my posting.

so if anyone can help me out... just send me a private message!
also, im on yahoo instant messenger under the screenname toddie_s
and if you would rather talk on aol instant messenger, my screenname is dsvevilgod

although im not on aol instant messenger very often.