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Messages - hierholzer

Couldent I just take out the timer so it dosent time any of the messages and then just make a blank message on all 11 offsets?
They only problem with that is then ill have to hear that anoying beep beep every time I send a new black message.
Assembly Language (any cpu) / Re: New hack
August 09, 2005, 11:44 AM
Alright thanks for saving me some time.
hmm.. I thought it would prevent them from talking as well
Assembly Language (any cpu) / New hack
August 09, 2005, 02:23 AM
Hey everyone ive got an idea for a new hack that may work.. I was trying to find the offsets that have to do with allying people. I checked the offsets for my own alliences page. heres what I got.

address          value 1(allied)           value2(unallied)

1.03F69DB9   17036956          259740   
2.03F69DBA   66550               1014 
3.03F69DBB   259                  3   
4.03F69DBC   1                    0
5.03F6A0BF   1st 4 repeting twice   1st 4 repeating twice

One thing I noticed though is when I froze the values of the offsets you couldnt change them in the game. (imagine that) But then the idea occured to me. If I find the offsets to other peoples allience page. Couldent I freeze them and prevent whoever it is to ally anyone? I know its possible to find there offsets b/c you need them to make an ally alert. Before I go though the trouble of finding those offsets. Can somone tell me if this would even work?
Lol personaly I think we can come up with better things to talk about then how many personal messages we have currently.. just my opinion
Well I took the first offset I found that has text on it witch is 658EB0. After that I went into softice and set a breakpoint. my ending breakpoint is 46E60C. with that I went into W32Dasm and went to that location. This is where it shows the gettickcount  :). But my problem is this area has about 23 lines of asm in it and I dont know asm well enough to know what line has to do with how many sec a message stays on the screen. here is the code

* Reference To: KERNEL32.GetTickCount, Ord:01D5h
:0046E602 FF15C4D14E00            Call dword ptr [004ED1C4]
:0046E608 8BF8                    mov edi, eax
:0046E60A 33F6                    xor esi, esi

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:0046E60C 8D0476                          lea eax, dword ptr [esi+2*esi]
:0046E60F 8D04C0                          lea eax, dword ptr [eax+8*eax]
:0046E612 8D0486                          lea eax, dword ptr [esi+4*eax]
:0046E615 8A0C452C866500          mov cl, byte ptr [2*eax+0065862C]
:0046E61C 84C9                              test cl, cl
:0046E61E 0F84AA000000              je 0046E6CE
:0046E624 8B14B540916500          mov edx, dword ptr [4*esi+00659140]
:0046E62B 8BCF                              mov ecx, edi
:0046E62D 2BCA                             sub ecx, edx
:0046E62F 0F8899000000              js 0046E6CE
:0046E635 83FE0C                         cmp esi, 0000000C
:0046E638 C604452C86650000    mov byte ptr [2*eax+0065862C], 00
:0046E640 751F                             jne 0046E661
:0046E642 8B1578916500             mov edx, dword ptr [00659178]
:0046E648 81E2FFFF0000             and edx, 0000FFFF
:0046E64E 81C227010000            add edx, 00000127
:0046E654 52                                push edx
:0046E655 6876020000                push 00000276
:0046E65A BA27010000                mov edx, 00000127
:0046E65F EB63                            jmp 0046E6C4

Im pretty sure thats what im sopost to be changing somthing in there.. also what should I write this hack in I know vb well but ive read that using vb for making a hack is not a good choice. and I dont know enough asm to write it in C++

what do you mean by stop the timer I know sc uses gettickcount to set the timer. is that what your talking about?
yes but if it prevents messages to display then they cant see anything.. or at least thats what I think. I have froze 3 of the offsets at one time and when people talked there would be 3 blank spaces between 2 messages at one time. so if you froze all 11 wouldnt it just make one blank space since theres no offset the words can fall onto?
keep people from saying anything.. ive tested it with just one offset. it jsut made a blank space. so i figured that if i blocked all 11 offsets then it would prevent people from talking
Im trying to make a hack that makes it so you cannot talk during a game on sc in b.net.. I know that there are 11 offsets and I have found them all. My question is how do I make it so I can freeze them all at once.. Ps im writing the hack in c++
Here is an example out of a Vb book I have that uses Arrays Ill type it out for you and you fill in the blanks.

(Arrays simplify data storage)
1:Private Sub Association ()
2:  ' Procedure to gather and print 35 names and dues
3:  Dim strFamilyName(35) As String ' Reserve the array elements
4:  Dim curFamilyDues(35) As Currency
5:  Dim intSub As Integer
6:  Dim intMsg as Interger ' MsgBox() return
8: 'Loop getting all the data
9:    For intSub = 1 To 35
10:    strFamilyName(intSub) = InputBox("what is the next family's name")
22:   Next intSub
24:  ' you now can display all the data
25:  ' This example uses a series of message boxes simple
27: intSub = 1 ' initialize the first subscript
28: Do
29:         intMsg = MsgBox("Family " & intSub & " is " & strFamilyName(intSub))
30:         intMsg = MsgBox(:their dues are " & curFamilyDues(intsub))
31:         intSub = intSub + 1
32:Loop Until (intsub > 35)
33: End Sub

Thats an example I dont know is ist what your looking for or not
Well to my understanding your just trying to simplify things so you dont have to type so much correct?
Well I know of Parallel arrays. which are two arrays working side by side. Which means each element in one array corresponds to an element in the other array. Are you looking for an array like that?
Anymore it seems to me like Clans are just many people idleing in a channel. I remember back in the day where we just were in channels or clans to meet up to play the game.