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Spht's Forum / Re: profile launcher problems
April 10, 2005, 10:43 PM
I know this may sound strange but it might just work.

Anyway, along time ago stealthbot use to get this error too because i'm guessing the installer didnt install/register the VB ocx's correctly (It was Stealth's fault!!), and i'm guessing thats your problem too :P

go to: http://www.stealthbot.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=2

Download all the .ocx files and place them in C:\WINDOWS\system32 if your comp is Windows XP or higher, otherwise place it in C:\WINDOWS\system (you'll probably get something about replacing them, click yes I guess.)

After you have done this, go to start -> run -> type regsvr32 "the ocx name" ( I suggest you do this one at a time, like download one file place it in folder, then register it through regsvr.)

THis should work, cause i had this error for the profile launcher too, and i did what i posted above and it fixed it :O.
Spht's Forum / help i cant connect :*(
January 07, 2005, 10:19 AM
Quote[08:17:00] SphtBotv3 - Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Spht - version 1.00 build 267.
[08:17:00] A Valhalla Legends production (www.valhallalegends.com).
[08:17:00] Loading plugins...
[08:17:00] Checking for bot updates...
[08:17:00] Winamp is not loaded!
[08:17:01] UDP communication subsystem online.
[08:17:01] Connecting to Battle.net server uswest.battle.net...
[08:17:01] Connecting to Battle.net logon server bnls.valhallalegends.com...
[08:17:01] Connected to Battle.net!
[08:17:01] Bot is current version.
[08:17:01] Connected to Battle.net logon server!
[08:17:01] Logon protocol set to X-SHA1 v1.00.
[08:17:01] Checking versions and CD-key...
[08:17:01] UDP port probe received from Battle.net.
[08:17:01] UDP port probe received from Battle.net.
[08:17:01] UDP port probe received from Battle.net.
[08:17:01] UDP port probe received from Battle.net.
[08:17:01] UDP port probe received from Battle.net.
[08:17:01] UDP port probe received from Battle.net.
[08:17:01] Battle.net logon server connection could not be authorized.

yeah =/ i dunno whats wrong. It was working fine and all but now i cant connect anymore.

At first i thought it was BNLS fault or something but i was able to connect with Stealthbot fine through BNLS.  So any idea whats wrong??
Spht's Forum / Profile Launcher problem :(
November 23, 2004, 11:12 AM
everytime i try to load the profile launcher / install it i get Run time error '7' Out of memory.  Any idea what i should do to fix this problem?
heres an SS

Spht's Forum / Re: Oper.dll bug repository
November 11, 2004, 12:12 PM
i got another problem/question.

when i give soemoen the Flag "A" i cant kick them / ban them for some reason any ideas why? and in the operdoc.txt it didnt say anything about flag A being a Safelist flag :(
[10:08:15 AM] <Retain> .add Cura F
[10:08:15 AM] <From: Retain[iN]@Lordaeron> Cura => Cura: F
[10:09:48 AM] <Retain> .kick cura
[10:09:48 AM] Cura was kicked out of the channel by Retain[iN].
[10:09:49 AM] Cura@Lordaeron left the channel.
[10:09:50 AM] <Presence> LOL
[10:09:50 AM] Cura@Lordaeron joined the channel using Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos (level 0, best race random, icon peon).
[10:09:51 AM] <Retain> .add cura +A
[10:09:52 AM] <^^CooL_GuY^^> <~~ 1 if ny bew ukks
[10:09:52 AM] <From: Retain[iN]@Lordaeron> cura => cura: AF
[10:09:52 AM] <Presence> RAPPER NICE
[10:09:53 AM] <Presence> lol
[10:09:53 AM] <Retain> .kick cura
[10:09:54 AM] <From: Retain[iN]@Lordaeron> cura is safelisted
Thing-O-Rama ™ / Re: Desktop War!
November 06, 2004, 09:06 PM
Spht's Forum / Re: Oper.dll bug repository
November 06, 2004, 05:23 PM
simple solution add this line somewhere  in oper.cfg
&5&&<insert required flag for using this command here>&&"?trigger"&:reply Current trigger is [insert trigger here ;)]
or if you don't want the bot to whisper you the trigger do
&5&&<insert required flag for using this command here>&&"?trigger"&Current trigger is [insert trigger here]

Note: remove the < and > when u do add a flag
Spht's Forum / Re: Oper.dll bug repository
November 06, 2004, 01:27 PM
quick question how come when soemone does .say /unloadplugin oper.dll the bot quits and shuts itself down :(

and yes he has the required flag to use the say command ;o
Spht's Forum / Re: Anti Idle
October 28, 2004, 09:21 PM
oh he did? well where do you get it ^_^
Spht's Forum / Anti Idle
October 28, 2004, 06:33 PM
Can you add an anti-idle system to sphtbot ^_^ like the one in eternal chat or something :)
Spht's Forum / Re: Looking for testers
October 17, 2004, 05:11 PM
it still says im forbidden to view that place :O :(
Spht's Forum / Re: Oper.dll bug repository
October 16, 2004, 11:15 PM
thanks for the info ;D
my next problem >_< (Sorrie)

the bot doesnt feel like quitting when i tell it to
Quote[21:14:59] <From: Infinity> retain => retain: ACDFJLMNOQS
[21:15:02] <Retain> .quit
[21:15:05] <Retain> I Order you TO QUIT!
[21:15:06] Voyage left the channel.
[21:15:07] <Retain> :(
[21:15:08] * /clearqueue
[21:15:14] <Retain> .quit
[21:15:15] <Retain> .say hi?
[21:15:15] <Infinity> hi?

according to the doc it says quit needs flag Q and i have flag Q
Spht's Forum / Re: Oper.dll bug repository
October 16, 2004, 10:53 PM
k thanks for the info i got it working and all and was testing protect. it turns on when i do the command but wont turn off when i do .protect off (my trigger is .)
[20:52:52] <Retain> .protect on
[20:52:52] <Infinity> Channel protection enabled by Retain
[20:52:55] Retain[iN]@Lordaeron left the channel.
[20:52:55] Retain[iN] was banned by Infinity (channel protection).
[20:52:57] <Retain> :O
[20:52:59] <Retain> .protect off
[20:53:02] <Retain> >_<
[20:53:05] <Retain> Bad bot!
[20:53:09] <Retain> .rejoin
[20:53:09] Infinity left the channel.
[20:53:11] Infinity joined the channel using Starcraft.
[20:53:11] User update: Infinity now has flags 2.
[20:53:19] <To: Retain[iN]@Lordaeron> ^join op infinity
[20:53:19] Retain[iN] was banned by Infinity (channel protection).
[20:53:19] Retain[iN] was banned by Rage (Ban Evasion).
[20:53:22] <Retain> ouch :(
[20:53:22] * /clearqueue
[20:53:24] <Rage> HAHAHAHAH Woops? :D
[20:53:27] <Retain> Hater!!! :D
[20:53:36] <Retain> why wont u turn OFF!
[20:53:39] <Retain> .protect off
[20:53:43] <Retain> .find Retain
[20:53:44] <From: Infinity> retain => Retain: ACDFJLMNOQS
[20:53:47] <Retain> i have every important flag why wont u turn off!

as you can see teh bot hates me :) and doesnt want to turn off protect. either that or i messed up somewhere :D
Spht's Forum / Re: Oper.dll bug repository
October 16, 2004, 10:14 PM
quick question. when loading the oper plugin and then reconnect or whatever is the plugin suppose to make the oper.cfg, user.txt and the other things or are you suppose to make it?
cause if its suppose to make it its not making it for me :(

all i get is an error in the logs of the folder it created by itself saying
Quote[20:11:38] Loading config...

[20:11:38] Error loading config!

[20:11:38] Loading database...

[20:11:38] Error loading users!
Spht's Forum / Re: Looking for testers
October 16, 2004, 01:43 PM
i would be happy to test your plugin for sphtbot ^_^
Spht's Forum / Channel List Bug
October 10, 2004, 10:35 PM
the bot does not add a  "&" when a person has & in his name

Heres an SS