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Messages - Skeptical

whys everyone gotta steal my ideas :(
Quote from: MysT_DooM on January 23, 2007, 04:21 PM
Best off having a section where you can discuss different things Bnet related openly without having to disguise the information but only allow certain account priveldges to that area.  Sorta like the Advanced Locks section on lockpicking101.com where you need to apply and get granted access to the section based on whatever you decide.

I'd sell blizzard my password :X
Aside from what warz said because he has a point.

GJ ringo for thinking of and taking the time to code such a project.
So the only way to stop the abuse is what userloser said.

Bring back accounts, then get on skywings nuts and hope that he'll implement that time-span algorithm.

Basically just hope hes done it.
Thanks for following this up guys, havent been on in a few days. Glad to see some people agree.

and whoever said  massloaders exist that use local hashing better look in the mirror, your nose is getting bigger.
by god i hope so, I hope its out fast. This isnt the only mass loader out their either that uses BNLS.
Yeah so I got this message on aim today, figured id go ahead and share the conversation. Didnt really see an area fitting for this other than here so I posted it. If its in the wrong place move it please.

I had scanned the bot a long time ago so I knew it was backdoored from the start.

Quotenesucks2 (12:38:54 PM): http://geno.bot.nu/ -- Genocide 1.2c (comes with 400 working sc keys!)
Not Skeptical (12:39:04 PM): uses BNLS?
nesucks2 (12:39:08 PM): yup
Not Skeptical (12:39:13 PM): you're a dumbass
nesucks2 (12:41:28 PM): http://geno.bot.nu/ -- Genocide 1.2c (comes with 400 working sc keys!)
nesucks2 (12:41:31 PM): did u dl it yet?
Not Skeptical (12:42:11 PM): no, and im not going to, and anyone that does is a dumbass
nesucks2 (12:42:18 PM): y not
Not Skeptical (12:42:27 PM): #1, it uses BNLS
Not Skeptical (12:43:00 PM): and id rather not massload on someones server whos making an effort to help the battle.net community
nesucks2 (12:43:11 PM): ROFL
nesucks2 (12:43:14 PM): who gives a shit
nesucks2 (12:43:32 PM): u just send a couple thousand packets
nesucks2 (12:43:33 PM): to bnls
Not Skeptical (12:43:43 PM): ....
Not Skeptical (12:44:16 PM): let me tell you how cool you are
Not Skeptical (12:44:19 PM): not very
nesucks2 (12:44:32 PM): 400 working sc keys
nesucks2 (12:44:40 PM): the bot comes with 400 working sc keys....
Not Skeptical (12:44:51 PM): i dont want to join your botnet
Not Skeptical (12:44:53 PM): no thanks
Not Skeptical (12:45:02 PM): you're an idiot
Not Skeptical (12:45:15 PM): and because of your awesome source ripping abilities
Not Skeptical (12:45:37 PM): you're just pushing the idea skywing could have to make BNLS private
nesucks2 (12:46:00 PM): ROFL
nesucks2 (12:46:02 PM): no im not
Not Skeptical (12:46:06 PM): how are you not
Not Skeptical (12:46:23 PM): he'lll just take it down
nesucks2 (12:46:24 PM): LOL
nesucks2 (12:46:31 PM): did u see the 1k+ load last nite?
nesucks2 (12:46:34 PM): :-)
nesucks2 (12:46:42 PM): he needs to shut the fuck up
Not Skeptical (12:46:46 PM): LOL
Not Skeptical (12:46:52 PM): skywing needs to shutup
Not Skeptical (12:47:01 PM): he did all that programming so you could load 1k+
nesucks2 (12:47:06 PM): good
Not Skeptical (12:47:12 PM): and you're dissing on him
Not Skeptical (12:47:15 PM): you're cool man
nesucks2 (12:47:16 PM): i dont give a shit
Not Skeptical (12:48:30 PM): i just find it funny how you condone ruining a free service when you yourself are using it
nesucks2 (12:48:38 PM): no
nesucks2 (12:48:52 PM): i neither condone or condemn it since the free service is an entity
Not Skeptical (12:49:10 PM): apparently you do condone it since you're doing it
nesucks2 (12:49:24 PM): i dont forgive a thing
nesucks2 (12:49:27 PM): i just use it
nesucks2 (12:49:33 PM): just like i use a chair
Not Skeptical (12:49:55 PM): ok so you hit your kids to make them be good
Not Skeptical (12:50:04 PM): but beating them everyday for fun is also neccisary
nesucks2 (12:50:05 PM): lol
Not Skeptical (12:50:09 PM): ?
nesucks2 (12:50:15 PM): thats different
Not Skeptical (12:50:20 PM): thats what you're doing
Not Skeptical (12:50:21 PM): exactly
nesucks2 (12:50:21 PM): becuse they aren't just things
nesucks2 (12:50:22 PM): no
nesucks2 (12:50:28 PM): the thing doesn't have life
nesucks2 (12:50:36 PM): and doesn't react
Not Skeptical (12:50:54 PM): its someones creation, someones creation in which they can take down at any time due to abuse
nesucks2 (12:51:00 PM): so
Not Skeptical (12:51:05 PM): and what are you doing
Not Skeptical (12:51:07 PM): abusing it
nesucks2 (12:51:08 PM): i dont care
Not Skeptical (12:51:09 PM): therefore
nesucks2 (12:51:17 PM): its intrepeted as abuse
Not Skeptical (12:51:18 PM): you condone beating your kids everyday for fun
nesucks2 (12:51:22 PM): I intrepete as using it
Not Skeptical (12:51:30 PM): using it
nesucks2 (12:51:34 PM): intrepet*
Not Skeptical (12:51:34 PM): lol
nesucks2 (12:51:42 PM): damnspelling -.-
Not Skeptical (12:51:53 PM): l2uthless chat uses it, because it does specifically what its suppose to
nesucks2 (12:52:07 PM): rofl
nesucks2 (12:52:11 PM): fuck chatbots
nesucks2 (12:52:14 PM): spambots are good
nesucks2 (12:52:17 PM): i got
nesucks2 (12:52:19 PM): 200 loaded on east
nesucks2 (12:52:21 PM): now loading CR
Not Skeptical (12:52:24 PM): wow
Not Skeptical (12:52:27 PM): you're leet skeet huh?
Not Skeptical (12:52:44 PM): it wont last long, with people like you around
nesucks2 (12:52:46 PM): shit i loaded on war3
nesucks2 (12:52:49 PM): to risky
nesucks2 (12:53:10 PM): if bnls is down
nesucks2 (12:53:15 PM): ill just create local hashing
Not Skeptical (12:53:19 PM): LOL
Not Skeptical (12:53:19 PM): LOL
Not Skeptical (12:53:54 PM): if you can then fucking do it and dont abuse someone elses shit whom is making an effort to help a community in which he takes very little part in
nesucks2 (12:54:06 PM): naw
nesucks2 (12:54:11 PM): i'lll rather use bnls
Not Skeptical (12:54:20 PM): because you can't do local hashing
nesucks2 (12:54:25 PM): yes i can
nesucks2 (12:54:31 PM): its damn easy
Not Skeptical (12:54:39 PM): PMAC doesnt work anymore idiot
nesucks2 (12:54:45 PM): IX86
nesucks2 (12:54:49 PM): hashing
Not Skeptical (12:54:58 PM): sure, if its "damn" easy
Not Skeptical (12:55:11 PM): then do it you lieing sack of shit
nesucks2 (12:55:16 PM): rofl
nesucks2 (12:55:19 PM): naw
Not Skeptical (12:55:22 PM): and quit relying on someone elses work
nesucks2 (12:55:29 PM): im not relying on someone elses work
Not Skeptical (12:55:35 PM): how are you not?
nesucks2 (12:55:43 PM): because
nesucks2 (12:55:47 PM): genocide is made from me
Not Skeptical (12:55:56 PM): and it uses BNLS
Not Skeptical (12:55:58 PM): which is made by..
nesucks2 (12:56:01 PM): no
nesucks2 (12:56:10 PM): bnls
nesucks2 (12:56:24 PM): it sends eletric signals to bnls
nesucks2 (12:56:29 PM): and bnls uses itself
nesucks2 (12:56:32 PM): and sends them back
Not Skeptical (12:56:51 PM): using what from BNLS?
nesucks2 (12:56:57 PM): umm
nesucks2 (12:57:02 PM): your using the tcp/ip protocal
nesucks2 (12:57:07 PM): stop using someone elses work!
nesucks2 (12:57:11 PM): ur using windows
nesucks2 (12:57:17 PM): stop using someone elses work!
Not Skeptical (12:57:21 PM): lol
nesucks2 (12:57:21 PM): go make ur own os
Not Skeptical (12:57:23 PM): im not abusing it
Not Skeptical (12:57:27 PM): im using it as i should
nesucks2 (12:57:29 PM): what is abuse then?
Not Skeptical (12:57:42 PM): wow
Not Skeptical (12:57:54 PM): you're amazing
nesucks2 (12:58:09 PM): what you think is abuse is your opinion
nesucks2 (12:58:38 PM): v
nesucks2 (12:58:39 PM): http://geno.bot.nu/ -- Genocide 1.2c (comes with 400 working sc keys!)
Not Skeptical (12:58:46 PM): using something or someone in a method in which they're not suppose to be used
nesucks2 (12:58:57 PM): yeah
nesucks2 (12:58:59 PM): so
nesucks2 (12:59:01 PM): using bots on bnet
nesucks2 (12:59:06 PM): bots aren't supposed go on bnet
Not Skeptical (12:59:08 PM): ...
nesucks2 (12:59:10 PM): so ur abusing bnet
nesucks2 (12:59:20 PM): yet thats ok, since you believe that its not abuse
Not Skeptical (12:59:23 PM): obviously
nesucks2 (12:59:36 PM): your opinion thinks loading bots on bnet isn't abuse
Not Skeptical (12:59:43 PM): i think it is abuse
nesucks2 (1:00:08 PM): so what?
Not Skeptical (1:00:26 PM): according to the TOS of bnet loading bots is abuse
Not Skeptical (1:00:27 PM): but
Not Skeptical (1:00:40 PM): we break that anyways, who doesnt, the point is
nesucks2 (1:00:51 PM): what are the consequences that would occur since you believe its abuse?
Not Skeptical (1:01:04 PM): you're absuing something ran by someone like you and me whom is making an effort to help the battle.net community
nesucks2 (1:01:15 PM): i dont give a fuck
Not Skeptical (1:01:21 PM): point proven
Not Skeptical (1:01:29 PM): so stop trying to justify you're childish antics
nesucks2 (1:01:37 PM): no
Not Skeptical (1:01:52 PM): because their is no justification for what you're doing
nesucks2 (1:02:19 PM): yes there is
Not Skeptical (1:02:21 PM): you're taking someones time and effort to help people im sure he could care less about and throwing it in his face
nesucks2 (1:02:25 PM): its more my personal entertainment
nesucks2 (1:02:32 PM): good
nesucks2 (1:02:53 PM): i should be sending mass cdkey checks to bnls
nesucks2 (1:03:11 PM): fake cdkeys of course
Not Skeptical (1:03:20 PM): might as well
Not Skeptical (1:04:29 PM): so you find personal entertainment in ruining peoples chatting abilities on bnet just to see 200 accounts logged on to a network that 99% of the american population knows nothing of
Not Skeptical (1:04:49 PM): sounds like you got alot of time
nesucks2 (1:04:53 PM): no
nesucks2 (1:04:57 PM): 300 accounts logged on
Not Skeptical (1:05:14 PM): ok 300, answer the question
nesucks2 (1:05:23 PM): sure its entertainment
Not Skeptical (1:05:45 PM): im gonna go ahead n post this on vl forums now
nesucks2 (1:05:50 PM): bitch
nesucks2 (1:05:53 PM): haahaaaaaa
nesucks2 (1:06:26 PM): u think i give a shit?
Not Skeptical (1:06:27 PM): bitch, im just doing whats right for the community and for all the people that would download your shit bot to join your botnet
nesucks2 (1:06:36 PM): http://geno.bot.nu/ -- Genocide 1.2c (comes with 400 working sc keys!)
nesucks2 (1:06:38 PM): dl it now
Not Skeptical (1:06:48 PM): like i said
Not Skeptical (1:06:54 PM): id rather not join your botnet
nesucks2 (1:06:55 PM): ur noob if ur not a warrer
Not Skeptical (1:07:05 PM): lol..
Not Skeptical (1:07:40 PM): i dont care about people warring, if thats your thing thats your thing..but don't trojan people, and don't use other people's shit to do it
nesucks2 (1:07:49 PM): ROfl
nesucks2 (1:08:00 PM): to scared to trojan people?
nesucks2 (1:08:02 PM): noob
nesucks2 (1:08:12 PM): to scared to use other people's shit?
nesucks2 (1:08:15 PM): scared noob
Not Skeptical (1:08:25 PM): how am i scared to use other peoples shit
Not Skeptical (1:08:29 PM): i use windows
Not Skeptical (1:08:31 PM): remember
nesucks2 (1:08:31 PM): how u think i got 350 working war3 keys ;-)

Yeah, pretty rediculous huh..
Brew you can't even read a hex dump for christ sakes..You just want ringo to hand over his method so you can go back to your post on the source and take credit for it.


"Don't worry, Fleet-, RaidenMZX and I are working on this problem! Please be patient!"

In a time when the community is actually comming together to work on something you're only worrying about looking cool in front of your 2 friends.

The only thing you're doing is hanging over this thread waiting for someone to throw you the answer. Get real and try to do something.

By hooking SC.exe I believe he is actually loading starcraft up to do the revision at login. Correct me if im wrong.
has battle.net realized they need some bots to thrive hmm?

on the other hand they could jus be preparing for the update of the rest and getting ready to screw battle.net once and for all.
Actually um, Let me throw this out to you,

I'm too lazy to click firefox and download hash files, then put them in folders, I'd rather just put my info in and hit connect. It seems to be an easy thing to do these days. I'd just rather not deal with the hassle unless i need to.

There, I just proved that i use BNLS for something, therefore everyone can move on because this post has been proven incorrect.
Gaming Discussion / Re: Need for speed underground 2
December 20, 2004, 02:41 PM
i think its a great game, the city is nice, the concept is kool, driving around to URL races n such, I liked the game, I have it for Xbox, I'm currently runnng the mitsubishi 3000gt..pimpin
I would like to get a playable copy too also, I'm also not a graphics person, i prefer gameplay over graphics, and those graphics look great to me anyways! so please post when its at a playable standpoint
Gaming Discussion / Re: The Sims 2
December 20, 2004, 02:30 PM
its a good game, showing how great AI technology is and stuff, its pretty addicting to, I still don't play it as much as starcraft (will anygame ever beat that much playing time) but it has given me a nice break from SC. The genetics system is great, It almost seems as real life. You control someones life, you play god, whats more fun in that? Yeah you can make your own paths, evil or good, you can do sick demented shit that only freaks n retards would do, (ex. kiss your children in a manner not known as family)  Its a good game,m the options are incredible, you can even go aside form the sims and build a dream home. More stories than just 2. Its a great game, If I wasn't addicted to starcraft I would be playing this game instead. Also, like someone else said, there is alot of downloadable content which really makes the game much more fun. Whats fun about tending to a pixels every need? not tending to their every need watch the grim reaper come and take your family members, get abducted by aliens. The graphics are also great, and unlike in the first sims you can go down to first person view. Good game, 9/10 borderline 10/10
Battle.net Bot Development / Re:A second Gavel?
August 26, 2004, 03:30 PM
lol, are you dumb, i explained what happend go to the first page and read what i said, in no way does this have to do with not being designated... it WAS designated. but the status flags did NOT change for users that were in the channel at the time. and if you think otherwise, get on broodwar client and come to clan eF.
Battle.net Bot Development / Re:A second Gavel?
August 26, 2004, 02:40 PM
WaRs.. is a shell Zds, which is actually a WAR2 Client... -.-
Battle.net Bot Development / Re:Account Upgrade?
August 26, 2004, 02:36 PM
There are 2 login systems...

The old login system
and the new login system

the only client to use the new login system is Warcraft III

But starcraft and Diablo 2 also support client update, presumable so they can be updated to the new login system at some point in time.

get it now?

In actuallity there are 3 login systems, the other one is used with the CHAT client.