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Messages - vuther.de

Nice work Ringo, glad to see people are progressing in development for Battle.net still.
Gaming Discussion / Re: Warhammer Online Review
September 25, 2008, 08:32 PM
I play Age of Conan, and it's great. The graphics are mature, and not cartoony looking. The content is mature also, along with other things. I know Age of Conan had a bad launch, but alot of things have/are being fixed. You guys should check it out.
Fun Forum™ / Re: Fun times with the reps
September 12, 2008, 06:37 PM
07:32:36 PM | «TomL.Support@Blizzard» vuther.de@USWest:  Can I get your email address for tracking purposes?
07:32:50 PM | «vuther.de» .. no you cant
07:33:09 PM | «vuther.de» What I need does not require for you to track me.
07:33:28 PM | «TomL.Support@Blizzard» vuther.de@USWest: What seems to be the problem?
07:33:34 PM | «vuther.de» Can you disconnect me from bnet?
07:34:40 PM | «TomL.Support@Blizzard» vuther.de@USWest: yes
07:34:49 PM | «vuther.de» Do it please.
07:35:04 PM | «TomL.Support@Blizzard» vuther.de@USWest:  Are there any other Technical issues I can help you with?
07:35:12 PM | «vuther.de» Yes, disconnect me from Battle.net
07:35:40 PM | Disconnected from Battle.Net!

Seems like I got the right person on this one!
Gaming Discussion / Re: Warhammer Online
September 11, 2008, 05:32 PM
What's so bad about Age of Conan? They're fixing up their shit now.
Fun Forum™ / Re: Epic Noob - a must see
September 09, 2008, 03:57 PM
What is hR's channel anyway?
Fun Forum™ / Re: Old but classic
August 02, 2008, 03:20 PM
Wow.. that's messed up, but funny nonetheless.
I was hoping they'd do a World of Diablo or something, that'd be nice.
General Discussion / Re: Firefox 3
June 18, 2008, 01:14 PM
How generous of IE team to send Mozilla a cake. I guess they deserved it because if it was not for Firefox the IE team would be out of jobs right now.
Gaming Discussion / Re: Age of Conan
June 16, 2008, 09:18 PM
I'm currently lvl 48. It's pretty fun so far, I wish they would fix alot of the bugs I've encountered, but I'm sure fixes will come.
I pay for my own insurance, and paid half of my car. I also pay for my gas, so that sentence doesn't apply to me. ;p
Yeah that's the thing, I like a car with good pickup, I don't like pressing the petal all the way down to get moving. Just annoys me, kind of like a pet peeve. :/
General Discussion / Re: this forum is dead
June 15, 2008, 01:51 PM
This forum is in no way dead, this forum has advanced to a new level and beyond other forums. The majority of users on these forums understand that they should not say (post) anything if they don't have anything important or smart to share with the rest of the community.
According to you, how can it go back to dead when it isn't dead? :P
General Discussion / Re: this forum is dead
June 12, 2008, 02:30 AM
I didn't start the stupid-posting rampage.
TL's are pretty nice. My mom has one. The Type S spices things up. But that is insane though that CNG gas is that cheap. Then again.. the motor it powers is weak. :/
Quote from: Tazo on April 22, 2008, 07:04 PM
vuther: I call bullshit
Don't be jealous. :p